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0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement

Though, I can see the MSM did quite a number on you Nate. You might notice they don't even talk about it anymore after pushing the bullshit story for a solid 2 years and will never bring it up again. They told you Trump will bring Project 2025 and you gobbled that up too. 

I'm guessing you meant MSN right? I tried googling MSM to be sure of what you meant to say, but google just showed me supplements. If you want to get on my case there though as a matter of sources, I'm more of a Youtube watcher when it comes to the news and I try to check both sides for prompts and research points afterwards. 

Mainstream media. 

One youtube channel I banned from my feed was the Midas Touch Network, though I did check their reaction to election night. It was good. The majority doesn't trust the MSM now and for good reason.  


For Project 2025, when you look at the people involved, the training tape interviews, it's clear that Trump distanced himself from how much the name became shameful to be adjacent to. His statement about abortions in Florida deviated enough to risk elements of his own voter base, but served to distance the perception of his connections with P25. 

His proposals in Agenda 47 aren't fleshed out, they're claims more than proposals, while P25 actually gave a plan for how those things, and others, could be done. It's hard to imagine that this wouldn't be at least somewhat implemented into his term as President when people who helped co-write it are a part of his crew. 

All hearsay.

Project 2025 isn't associated with any government, nor do they have any ties with Trump. It's been used by your trusted sources as a tool to smear Trump.


As for Christians and Melania's nudes. Christians like that shit too, plus they follow Christ's example. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". 

So you're telling me that Trump, the multiple-divorcee who cheated on his wives, isn't going to look worse to Christians when they see that his wife also poses lewds for a public magazine? 

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Christians get divorced all the time too. Trump himself is a Christian. 

"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins"

We're also talking about Christians, not Muslims. 

It's funny how the left always goes after Christians when it's the Muslims they should be worried about. Especially if you're a faggot. 


Christianity preaches love and forgiveness. That everyone sins, and that Christ paid for our sins so we can have eternal life. 

How many enact that love and forgiveness though, rather than playing the role of judge in spite of how the book claims they shouldn't do that? 

Don't know. 


When I say "Christians", I mean the people who call themselves that. True Christianity would say it's not their place to judge and worry about their own well being instead. 

The people who'll complain the most about Melania Trump's past the most, aren't Christians. It'll be those who call themselves progressives. The same people who claim to believe in freedom but call for censorship or to cancel anything that doesn't work for them. 


In my personal opinion we'll reap what we've sown, and if we lack forgiveness, then we won't be forgiven and that alone will be hellish if we had to go unforgiven for all of eternity.

So what're your thoughts on Putin flashing Melania's lewds from 2000 on Russian State TV, right after saying how much he respects him only like three months ago? 

Let's see here....

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Just because this guy said Putin did it, doesn't mean someone should believe it. Half a dozen other media outlets posted the same thing. 

It's no secret that she was a nude model. The footage is taken from magazine imagery like 30 years ago or something of that nature. 

The US is the most powerful military in the world. The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the world, not to mention most of the world will back the US if a war breaks out. 


I can't help but feel like this demonstration made was for more than embarrassing Trump, it's a power flex towards the entire world meant to subconsciously establish the perception of rank. Trump appeared too confident when he stated he could "handle" Russia, so Russia had to prove to everyone who's handling who. 

 She's simply a celebrity. Things like this happen when you're famous. The US does it all the time. If a celebrity nude leaks, if they can't have a copy they'll at least tell the world about it. 

This whole, "Russia is showing whose handling who" That all comes from hot air without any real evidence. Some hater had an opinion, and that opinion sits well with other haters. It's even come to a point where you want it to be true, and if some other news about this comes out, you'll cling onto it, while the world is becoming a better place. 

If Trump ends the war, there will be those who'll continue to fume and double down on their hatred. When Trump made peace with North Korea, same thing happened. MSM started freaking out about Trump being friends with Kim Jong Un. These are nuclear powers, it's in the worlds best interest that these people get along. 


Posts: 391
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement

trump didn't make peace with north korea retard. nukes made peace for them. trump would've invaded them if they didn't have them and he kept sanctions on them trying to deprive them like they do on Cuba.

If Capitalism is so great, why sanction Cuba for not being capitalistic? They barely hide why they sanction Cuba and pretty much admit at this point it's because Cuba has practiced socialism in a way they don't like. And btw yes Cuba is still capitalistic.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
last edit on 11/15/2024 8:06:10 PM
Posts: 33607
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement

trump didn't make peace with north korea retard.

He actually did manage to accomplish peaceful talk with them. My problem is moreover how giving N. Korea an inch has them take a mile, and their positive connections with Russia: 

In November 2024 Russia and North Korea have formalized a defense agreement committing each to support the other if attacked, strengthening their alliance as reports suggest North Korea may be supplying Russia with military aid amid the Ukraine conflict. 

Is that someone we should be trying to negotiate agreements with? Did you ever watch the Vice Series on North Korea? 

trump would've invaded them if they didn't have them and he kept sanctions on them trying to deprive them like they do on Cuba.

They're an ally of Russia, it'd never happen. 

If anything, Trump being introduced to both Russia and North Korea's leaderships so close together has it appear as if trying to swap sides for potential allies. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 33607
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement

One youtube channel I banned from my feed was the Midas Touch Network, though I did check their reaction to election night. It was good. The majority doesn't trust the MSM now and for good reason.  

While I watch a good number of different channels to get a general feeling over issues, I do watch John Oliver and Some More News somewhat more often. They're both good about sources when compared to mainstream media outlets but there is an initial bias present that invites looking up other videos on the same subjects. 

For Project 2025, when you look at the people involved, the training tape interviews, it's clear that Trump distanced himself from how much the name became shameful to be adjacent to. His statement about abortions in Florida deviated enough to risk elements of his own voter base, but served to distance the perception of his connections with P25. 

His proposals in Agenda 47 aren't fleshed out, they're claims more than proposals, while P25 actually gave a plan for how those things, and others, could be done. It's hard to imagine that this wouldn't be at least somewhat implemented into his term as President when people who helped co-write it are a part of his crew. 

All hearsay.

Project 2025 isn't associated with any government, nor do they have any ties with Trump. It's been used by your trusted sources as a tool to smear Trump.

It's a product of the Heritage Foundation, a right wing thinktank that involves people he has a history of working with and/or plans to work with. Many of the people who helped write P25 are people who work with him, and there's even video footage of these people openly talking about it for the tapes they were making for Trump to watch to spare the poor guy reading hundreds of pages. 

Do you really see no bleedover between P25 and A47 when they both involve many of the same people and have a few aligning concerns between them? He's already effectively president now so he can choose to enact it if he wishes. If P25 were to become the case, would you even oppose it, and how many even would anymore? 

 "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Wouldn't Russian State TV be the stone caster here..?

Christians get divorced all the time too.

Does that make it okay for Christians to do then? 

Trump himself is a Christian. 

That only became the case as flagrantly in 2020, before that the guy didn't even know how to hold a Bible right-side up. 

He also has clearly never read it. 

It's funny how the left always goes after Christians when it's the Muslims they should be worried about. Especially if you're a faggot. 

They're both a problem, there's more than two choices, and most US citizens have a more first-hand account of Christianity when compared to the Muslim faith.

It makes perfect sense to me, and neither choice should have to be acceptable. 

When I say "Christians", I mean the people who call themselves that. True Christianity would say it's not their place to judge and worry about their own well being instead. 

The people who'll complain the most about Melania Trump's past the most, aren't Christians.

If it were over someone who wasn't The President's Wife, don't you think they'd be a bit louder about it?

It wasn't that long ago that they tried calling Kamala "The Jezebel", claiming she slept her way to the top, yet the nude model Trump married after multiple divorces and cheating scandals gets off scott free? 

It's a double standard based on team sport politics. 

It'll be those who call themselves progressives. The same people who claim to believe in freedom but call for censorship or to cancel anything that doesn't work for them. 

Both sides do it though, just over opposing subjects. 

In an ideal setting both would be free to communicate their piece, like what we've been able to accomplish here. 

Just because this guy said Putin did it, doesn't mean someone should believe it. Half a dozen other media outlets posted the same thing. 

...dude it's State TV, in Russia. 

I also have no idea who the screencapped guy is, I saw the writing on the wall (figuratively) as plainly as watching the broadcast itself when word of mouth hit as quickly as "holy shit Russia's posting her lewds". 

Frankly it's disrespectful towards both her and The President, and they aren't going to do anything about it because of who did it. It's going to leave an impression not just on The West, but the rest of the world as well, and I've seen while traveling outside of the US how simplistic views on American leadership are perceived when compared to having lived so long under a monarchy. 

It's no secret that she was a nude model. The footage is taken from magazine imagery like 30 years ago or something of that nature. 

It was from the early 2000s, and Trump married her in 2005.

When paired next to his history in general it doesn't paint him in the best light towards his base, but there will always be enough "Whataboutism"s to ignore it. 

The US is the most powerful military in the world. The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the world, not to mention most of the world will back the US if a war breaks out. 

The US military is definitely the most expensive military, but China's actually doing pretty well right now Navally speaking. 

I also wouldn't call The President the most powerful person, he's just a man, a new man every four to eight years at that, and men can be pushed in spite of their power. 

He is also trying to reformat government structure because of how he isn't feeling like the most powerful person in the world. 

I can't help but feel like this demonstration made was for more than embarrassing Trump, it's a power flex towards the entire world meant to subconsciously establish the perception of rank. Trump appeared too confident when he stated he could "handle" Russia, so Russia had to prove to everyone who's handling who. 

She's simply a celebrity. Things like this happen when you're famous. The US does it all the time. If a celebrity nude leaks, if they can't have a copy they'll at least tell the world about it. 

It's the World Stage, not Hollywood, many countries aren't going to see it progressively. 

We can sit there and excuse her, like I don't really care that she's nude modeled I would have too when I was younger, but we can't ignore how other foreign leaders and governments are going to see it and we can't ignore those among us who might have this work against him to learn after the fact. 

This whole, "Russia is showing whose handling who" That all comes from hot air without any real evidence. Some hater had an opinion, and that opinion sits well with other haters. It's even come to a point where you want it to be true, and if some other news about this comes out, you'll cling onto it, while the world is becoming a better place. 

There's his interview with 60 Minutes in 2016, there's his weird reactionary flip out around the time he met Putin after Space Force failed, there's footage of him talking with foreign leaders about The Ukraine as a resource well rather than a country, there's scattered interviews where him being asked about Russia had him make anti-American sentiments, he looks at those associated with Russian Partnership as "Strongmen", and if you go far enough back a young Trump was already associating with them. 

I feel like we have enough data to make theories. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/15/2024 10:15:11 PM
Posts: 886
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement

Penal labor, and maybe arranged marriage between femcels and incels. Who knows maybe they could grow to love each other and solve their issues?

It's clear the problem of biases against either sex will always persist as each will have negative experiences, and irrationally those negative experiences will grow to envelope the perception of all women, expectations of each through what is considered the norm also. Not to mention this divide gets politicized as Trump was made the face of many ex boyfriends, and freakish faggot trolls like Nick Fuentes preyed on this by stating "Your body, my choice" even though he voted for Kamala.

Also shit such as this pains me. 

Posted Image

Even as satire, I know such fetishists actually exist. 

last edit on 11/19/2024 10:44:23 PM
Posts: 98
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement
Chaotik said: 

Penal labor, and maybe arranged marriage between femcels and incels. Who knows maybe they could grow to love each other and solve their issues?

It's clear the problem of biases against either sex will always persist as each will have negative experiences, and irrationally those negative experiences will grow to envelope the perception of all women, expectations of each through what is considered the norm also. Not to mention this divide gets politicized as Trump was made the face of many ex boyfriends, and freakish faggot trolls like Nick Fuentes preyed on this by stating "Your body, my choice" even though he voted for Kamala.

Also shit such as this pains me. 

Posted Image

Even as satire, I know such fetishists actually exist. 

These people that think their rights are going away are brain washed by the Leftist media. The propaganda has worked on them. About 30% of the population is tricked by the propaganda. Another 30% goes along because their sheep like and. The rest of the population get red pilled. Victim mentality works on some.


What rights are being taken away? Name them.


Posts: 391
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement
Chaotik said: 

Penal labor, and maybe arranged marriage between femcels and incels. Who knows maybe they could grow to love each other and solve their issues?

It's clear the problem of biases against either sex will always persist as each will have negative experiences, and irrationally those negative experiences will grow to envelope the perception of all women, expectations of each through what is considered the norm also.

 You're wrong because anti-natalism is the perfect checkmate against oppression and capitalism that rigs all odds against the little guy.
The beauty of it is, even if the capitalists win, they will have to deal with their own system as they so deeply count on people procreating beneath or inbetween them.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
last edit on 11/20/2024 3:05:53 AM
Posts: 391
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement
kuhne said: 

What rights are being taken away? Name them.


  The right to abortion was literally abolished. What rights do people have and should have? Let me guess, the right to bourgeoisie speech (racism, sexism, etc.) and to own a firearm but not much else.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
last edit on 11/20/2024 3:06:43 AM
Posts: 886
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement
Chaotik said: 

Penal labor, and maybe arranged marriage between femcels and incels. Who knows maybe they could grow to love each other and solve their issues?

It's clear the problem of biases against either sex will always persist as each will have negative experiences, and irrationally those negative experiences will grow to envelope the perception of all women, expectations of each through what is considered the norm also.

 You're wrong because anti-natalism is the perfect checkmate against oppression and capitalism that rigs all odds against the little guy.
The beauty of it is, even if the capitalists win, they will have to deal with their own system as they so deeply count on people procreating beneath or inbetween them.

 Malthusian concepts such as anti-natalism plays into the hands of the bourgeoisie, you think they want more mouths to feed? You're just a misanthrope. You can claim to be anti-capitalist all you want but it's clear you've bought into the poison of Trotskyite garbage such as academia produced by the Congress for Cultural Freedom. The problem with most of "leftists" is that they are all miserable freaks who are concerned with identity, or sex, or whatever other retarded nonsense, hence your misanthropy, and have completely lost the mission of Communism, economic liberation for the Proletariat. 


kuhne said: 

What rights are being taken away? Name them.


  The right to abortion was literally abolished. What rights do people have and should have? Let me guess, the right to bourgeoisie speech (racism, sexism, etc.) and to own a firearm but not much else.

 The right to abortion was made a state-side issue, not abolished. If anything it's better that it was put into the hands of the states because that means it can't be banned nationwide. 

Posts: 832
0 votes RE: Post election 4B's movement

I mentioned multiple times pro choice was left up to the states. Still I can see why the kid keeps arguing it's been abolished, and the reason for that isn't flattering. At the same time, it makes his intelligence easy to measure. 


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