What rights does a western man have, that their western counterparts do not ?
( Real counterparts with wombs only please. )
Bodily autonomy's the common answer right now, but a lot of what's left as issues are related to safety, economics, being accepted into leadership roles, and double standards within gender perception these days.
When a couple has a kid on the way, and the man wants the kid but the woman wants to abort it, then who gets their way ? Keep in mind abortion isn't banned.
There are many women in leadership roles in various businesses and governments. Some of them are world leaders too. In the US no one really liked Hillary and Harris though. Tulsi Gabbard will make an excellent Madam President though.
I've had many jobs. Worked in construction 3 times, and I only saw a woman with a hardhat once ever. Not really sure what she did but she was cleaner than the rest of us and always smiling. Probably was getting paid more while we were breaking out backs piecing the place together.
Obviously there's other countries where it's worse, I'm not denying that, but progress shouldn't go to a grinding halt when doing better than their neighbors.
As a reminder, most pro lifers are women. What you call "progress" has been obstructed by democracy left up to the states.
Many women, including school girls aren't comfortable taking showers with men in the changeroom, or in the washroom. Some people who are against that are women also.
Women are not to be called cis women, while men take the name woman for themselves and crush them at sports. That is wrong on so many levels. Nor is it good to groom children to choose a gender from kindergarten while they are still in development then fuck them up with puberty blockers and other forms of experimental mutilation.
To many people, actually, the majority, none of that shit is okay. You can still be as you are, but it's not cool to lawfully force compliance when people find such cases pretentious.
That being said, there are states within the US where women are treated blatantly as second class citizens, and even within more relatively progressive or socially modernized states you still see them treated as if "weak" or "ineffective" when compared with a man. This is not an issue as a matter of rights on paper so much as the perception by society that works against equal opportunity, and that's going to take social change rather than changing the system itself.
Sounds like victim mentality.
You ever see this trans complain about the downside of being a guy ? How easy women have it.
Women are born with inherent value, it then dwindles with time. They cling onto their beauty as they age. Women are generally treated better than men even when they're no longer in their prime.
What does "treated as weak" even mean ? Are they generally being smacked around by men at the daycare or hospital ? In the office perhaps ?
In my opinion most people are ineffective at most things, it's why we tend to specialize in a trade and go for it. Feminists usually encourage women to compete with men in fields they themselves are not a part of. Fields that are usually male dominated.
There wasn't too many female digital animators when I did it. I remember this one in college, we were doing walk cycles. I said I'm doing a sexy walk cycle and she instantly started competing with me. She used to laugh and joke around a lot in class, get guys to help her out. One time she brought a guy friend and introduced him to everyone ( except me lol ) I was finalizing my first project. My first time batching rendering, I had about a dozen computers sending frames to a server. She was way behind and not even close to finishing. She was in trouble, and she says to me "You better not hog up all of the computers !" She was pissed. I just told her if she starts batching rendering then I'll give her half.
There are other stories when it comes to that one but the point I'm making is I found her to be more of a distraction or a hindrance. She was all about taking me out. I had the best final project and she'd fight tooth and nail to insist to be the last for critiques, which is suicide. Never go after the best when the instructors are judging.
In the field I had this one female she was a type of manager, and we were doing something on the side. Boss wanted to branch out and make action figures and use 3D printing and wanted a colour 3D printer. I told him they are shit, but he wouldn't hear it. He was about to spend a fortune on some crazy ass machine that will end up making a model that was as durable as shortbread, which would've been an issue when we get into casting. So the female manager assigned me to write her a report on what's the best method to go about this, which machines are best, why not use this and that etc. I submitted 2 pages, and she was so impressed. She was like THATS TALLENT ! But y'know, I pretty much did her job for her. I'm the CG guy and it I wasn't get paid to do her work. She was also my superior, for some reason, but whatever. She also got credit for saving the day. The boss himself was very obnoxious. Maybe even envious. I think he'd always want to undermine me as a way of making me work harder or avoid paying me more, cause I was the true #1 and everyone knew it.
That field is male dominated, and while I've seen ineffectiveness in men, I've seen it in women just about every single time.
If a western woman waits around for a man to tell her what to do, that's on her. In many cases they do nothing then blame men for them not doing anything as if men are supposed to tone it down for the ladies and not apply themselves to opportunities. In 2024 everyone is having a hard time. Then..... There are those women are good at what they do and have good positions, but you don't want to talk about them do you.