To many people, actually, the majority, none of that shit is okay. You can still be as you are, but it's not cool to lawfully force compliance when people find such cases pretentious.
What's the alternative to tolerance though?
Are you saying it'd be better to correctively bully these people, a demographic already more prone to suicide than the norm?
Tolerance my ass. This is not about tolerence in exchange for fucking up the kids and sinking the west.
I'd suggest setting boundaries back to where it was.
I once heard Blair White say something along the lines of "If you don't look the part no one will take you seriously" which is a truth that abuses transgenders, so they mutilate themselves and end up crazy and suicide rates are high.
Transgenderism is a disorder. Some would argue a physical disorder cause they don't get what they call a bonus hole.
That being said, there are states within the US where women are treated blatantly as second class citizens, and even within more relatively progressive or socially modernized states you still see them treated as if "weak" or "ineffective" when compared with a man. This is not an issue as a matter of rights on paper so much as the perception by society that works against equal opportunity, and that's going to take social change rather than changing the system itself.
Sounds like victim mentality.
So you would say women are just as strong as men, and you're ready for us to have a female president?
I did mention Tulsi Gabbard would be a good President. Her debate game was on point, she's patriotic, a war vet, been a Democrat, agrees with modern conservative views, now Republican. For those it matters to she's a person of colour.
Race and gender doesn't matter to me. Qualifications matter. She'll be the head of intelligence next term.
Hillary and Kamala sucks.
You ever see this trans complain about the downside of being a guy ? How easy women have it.
Dude you keep making it about Trans people during a discussion about Women, but yeah I've heard lots of trans people complain about lack of equality in general rather than hyperfocusing on just their own story.
The Trans who achieved looking like a man has a real message of how men and women are treated. Your argument is that men are treated better, but that's not true.
I feel like you're changing the goalposts over how they're an easier target than the problems women face.
Refer to my previous paragraph.
Women are born with inherent value, it then dwindles with time. They cling onto their beauty as they age. Women are generally treated better than men even when they're no longer in their prime.
I'd argue that both genders are born with inherent potential that has the room to be transformed into value within the right constraints.
No one disagrees we're all born with potential.
I said women are born with inherent value. She goes from being a child, to transforming into a women with countless suitors of all ages. It's not hard for her to make it in life while she has the support of men and women. Fat girls get more hits on dating apps than chads while 70% of guys settle for less and get rejected.
Us on the other hand ( You too Nathan ) have no inherent value. We have to build and make something of ourselves or else no love. A woman who so chooses to do nothing can simply snuggle up to some guy who'll look after her.
That being said, men by the virtue of living in a Patriarchal structure maintain value for longer due to how the wealth culture enables it. The rhetoric even tries to fetishize silver hair and sharp features on older men while calling women of the same caliber Cougars as a derogatory term. At most you see women, over being seen as "weaker" relatively speaking, pampered by The Patriarchy as a reward for their Learned Helplessness.
Some women like older men. Cougars are simply older women who fuck young men. You seem to take for granted the freedoms that were intended for westerners.
There are many women out there living alone dude. Not at home with their parents. Doing well. Most people these days need to split costs on a place but still there they are striving with their own space.
An old woman will be seen, as you put it, less valuable in spite of how they are inherently just as valuable as an older man. The only real argument that can be made over age is egg viability vs sperm viability over how one can go about it for longer than the other typically, but both genders are rolling the dice as they get older over the increased risks of defective offspring.
If both were poor, the woman will make much more gains as a beggar. Even if she were a complete hag.
In short, the only reason the above view is the case is because of inherent outcomes of The Patriarchy. By contrast I was raised in an arguably Matriarchal home (rather than feminist which is about equality) within a Patriarchal society and naturally my views reflect that instead.
Feminism isn't fighting for equality.
What does "treated as weak" even mean ? Are they generally being smacked around by men at the daycare or hospital ? In the office perhaps?
By being told enough times that they are otherwise 'less than a man', it conditioned learned helplessness. It's not just those who assault women that perpetuate this situation, it's also those who'd insist on being some sort of Man-Hero.
I find it interesting how The Right can claim that, racially, telling people that they need help and can't achieve as much without government aid or DEI hires is weakening them, yet they can't seem to see it the same way about Women when they hold the door open for them and insist they need a Man to protect them from other bad Men.
Women do need men to protect them from bad men. Do you not understand how we're built different ? This isn't the MCU where some fancy looking chick will toss us around with her mind.
Your ideology I think would put women in danger. Men are better at violence and in life violence happens everyday.
In my opinion most people are ineffective at most things, it's why we tend to specialize in a trade and go for it. Feminists usually encourage women to compete with men in fields they themselves are not a part of. Fields that are usually male dominated.
Feminism doesn't encourage women to compete with men so much as encourages them to do so if they wouldn't have done it because of their gender.
Its not men who stops her from choosing what to pursue.