Primal stated: source post
Spatial Mind stated: source post
Both sides yes. In the midst of controversy do many MGTOW's become the very thing they despise without realizing it.
Have seen that. It remains equally repulsive if not more so. My eyes have spun in their sockets reading and listening to some of the Bullshit. BOTH sides of the extremes are terminal IMO.
Hahaha. The MRA's in fewer cases, we see them venting out on youtube. Maybe 1 or 2 MGTOW's There's actually a 3rd division of manhood over this. When we look into 3rd wave feminism, we see riots, police barricades, seminar disruptions, misandry, court hearings, media defamation, emasculated cucks and white knights, immaturity, gaslighting, assault, police that are afraid, people who are afraid to say what they mean in fear of the movements capacity to seek and destroy reputations etc...
Repulsive yes. Equally repulsive ? No way.
Men and women are equal and different. And thank heaven for the differences. Would make life boring otherwise.
There appears to be a subtle shift in your perspective over the last while Spatial...looks good.
Beautiful post MissB.
It's the same. I understand I might have appeared to deal out some lashings to some of the left wings here, and how they preach that I'm a woman hater and all that crap. It's not the case. My attempts to deliver actual facts is meant to drive the illness from them. ( I'm afraid Xena's case is irreversible as she argues how my success began with my gender. ) There's a force that's telling me to sit with my legs together, meanwhile my entire gender has balls, I can't disregard it as easily as you can, cause my home is plagued by this.
The 3rd wave feminism Vs. MRA is also hilarious.