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Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals
Cawk said: 

Posted Image

 Im surprised you scored so high on authority.

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals
1. Faethers:      94 (jeez)
2. Tryptamine: 78
3. Kestrel:         64
4. Turncoat:      47
5. User:             29
6. Inquirer:        7
7. Cain:               3

A lot of you have surprisingly high Purity values, starting to wonder if I misread any question. :p

Self assessments just show what they believe about themselves (and how confident they are in answering strongly versus meekly). 

It's bound to have tons and tons of skew

 So why did you even take the test?

Posts: 2890
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals

Missed this:

Posted Image

I am 100% libtard

Most of the questions had nothing to do with the state/law/order and were all about social pressure/practices.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals

I'm better than you 

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals
Good said: 

Missed this:

Posted Image

I am 100% libtard

Most of the questions had nothing to do with the state/law/order and were all about social pressure/practices.

 I think thats the point.

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals
Xadem said: 

can you shut up 

 Are you trying to silence free speech?

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals
Edvard said: 

You don't need this research to see how over reactive to fear conservatives are.

Study: Liberals and conservatives have different brain structures

Fear and Anxiety Drive Conservatives' Political Attitudes

1. Conservatives tend to focus on the negative

In a 2012 study, liberal and conservative participants were shown collages of both negative and positive images on a computer screen while their eye movements were recorded. While liberals were quicker to look at pleasant images, like a happy child or a cute bunny rabbit, conservatives tended to behave oppositely. They’d first inspect threatening and disturbing pictures—things like car wrecks, spiders on faces, and open wounds crawling with maggots—and would also tend to dwell on them for longer. This is what psychologists call a “negativity bias”. If you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. When attention is biased toward the negative, the result is an overly threat-conscious appraisal of one’s surroundings. Essentially, to many conservatives the world looks like a much scarier place. This would seem to explain why so many major conservative viewpoints tend to be rooted in irrational fears—like fear of the president, immigrants, Muslims, vaccinations, etc.

2. Conservatives have a stronger physiological response to threat

A 2008 study published in the journal Science found that conservatives have a stronger physiological response to startling noises and graphic images. This adds to a growing body of research that indicates a hypersensitivity to threat—a hallmark of anxiety. But why exactly would those that scare more easily tend to support conservative views? One social psychologist from the University of Central Arkansas, Paul Nail, has a pretty interesting answer: “Conservatism, apparently, helps to protect people against some of the natural difficulties of living. The fact is we don’t live in a completely safe world. Things can and do go wrong. But if I can impose this order on it by my worldview, I can keep my anxiety to a manageable level.” This could explain the two parties’ different stances on gun control. It only makes sense that those who startle more easily are also the ones that believe they need to own a gun.

3. Conservatives fear new experiences

A 2008 study catalogued items found in the bedrooms of college students and saw that while liberals owned more books and travel-related items, conservatives had more things that kept order in their lives, like calendars and cleaning supplies. This tells us that liberals more often seek adventure and novel experiences. Conservatives, on the other hand, seem to prefer a more ordered, disciplined lifestyle. This could help explain why they are so resistant to change and progressive policies.

4. Conservatives’ brains are more reactive to fear

Using MRI, scientists from University College London have found that students who identify themselves as conservatives have a larger amygdala than self-described liberals. This brain structure is involved in emotion processing, and is especially reactive to fearful stimuli. It is possible that an oversized amygdala could create a heightened sensitivity that may cause one to habitually overreact to anything that appears to be a potential threat, whether it actually is one or not. This disproportionate fear response could explain how, for example, Bush’s administration was able to gather wide public support amongst conservatives for invading Iraq. They knew if they said the phrase “weapons of mass destruction” enough times that it wouldn’t matter whether they really existed or not.

Now we see that empirical evidence tells us that conservatives and liberals don’t just have different outlooks and opinions. They also have different brains. This means that our choice of political affiliation and overall worldview may not really be all that much of a choice. Still, we must work to understand these psychological and biological distinctions so that we can ultimately use this knowledge to work better together and find middle ground. Such information may also make us less vulnerable to those who want to exploit these dispositions for their own selfish agendas, using tactics like fear mongering.

Furthermore, knowing why someone is the way they are helps us to be more tolerant and patient with one another. But we must also be honest about the situation. When important choices are being made based on gut instinct rather than logical reasoning, it is everyone’s responsibility to point this out so that it doesn’t result in catastrophe. And in a time when there actually are real threats present, like Ebola and ISIS, it is essential that we keep the paranoia at bay and a calm collectedness when making decisions.


 What's wrong with fear?

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals

Conservatives have it right, a valueless and nihilistic society ultimately leads to a society of crime, drug-addiction, high suicide rates, and terrorism - a society of tragedy that merely changes for the sake of change do to the novelty of it, liquidating all value. 

Does the left argue in favor of "valueless nihilism"? 

Both the right and the left do, in similar ways as it relates to the neo movements and in different ways as it relates to what policies one would consider to be far-left or far-right, but the issue of nihilism and the deconstruction of meaning are not consequences of politics. 

The primary problem is the mode of civilization we find ourselves. We live during the rise of the Cosmopolis which all in all is the most artificial mode of civilization. An age ruled by pragmatism in which the world is treated as a super-market is understandably empty. Hence leftist and rightist politics do not merely argue in favor of an empty world, they are politics that exist in an empty world and are incapable of changing it. This incapability is a reflection of the post-modern world which has destroyed our ability to be sure of anything. This brings insecurity into everything: social affairs, economics, politics, philosophy, and even science. By that insecurity these forms continue to lose their ability to promote meaning and by effect promote meaninglessness. 

 You have an extraordinary way of saying nothing in so many words.

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals
Legga said:
Nice Gervais quote.

 tips fedora

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: Conservatives vs Liberals

Now I'm not going to comment on their social status which is often the same

 Not going to comment on it but definitely going to make sure it crosses our minds.

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