Conservatives and Liberals can differ on social issues, whether one wants welfare or not, but to me, both are not that far off in what they do. Both are warmongers and seek to expand capital. So, both are a plague, if I had to pick which one I have to hate more, it'd be liberals, because they pose as a force of good to the working people, but really are snakes.
I'm mostly referring to the sphere of America Politics, but Europe is barely any different.
I'll admit though, I do hate when both sides use the term "Socialist" to describe a Liberal, it's broad but I prefer it's application to the Soviet Model. However, due to this, I find idiots that compare Communism, to Nazism, to Bernie Sanders.
Just because all three have a title that is similar, does not make their systems and policies the same.
National Socialism in it's originality wasn't what Hitler made it out to be, before Hitler joined the party there were the Strasser brothers who were more left leaning, and Otto Strasser even wanted to befriend the Soviet Union, although, I'd argue their economic system was still different from that of the Soviet model is sounds a lot like the utopian socialists that wanted a system like feudalism, (which marx critiqued). Hitler came in and befriended corporations and wanted to work with them, that isn't something a communist would want.
Socialism in the Soviet economics, and bare with me, because Communism uses the term "Socialist" as it's transitional period, not for communism itself. Communism seeks to abolish the State in the long run.
Soviet Socialism is where there exists no private sector, and the economy is state owned.
Now, to Bernie Sanders and the "glorious" scandinavian model, it seeks to bring in social programs and have a mixed economy. It is NOT something that would lead to Soviet Socialism, nor is it friendly to Soviet Socialism.
Welfarism is a means to pacify the worker and prevent communist revolution. It's exactly what Otto Von Bismarck used in his anti-socialist policies. It's a means to buy out the people, so that revolution won't happen.
I guess the two that are the closest would be Hitler's National Socialism and Bernie's Socialism, in terms of economics. Hitler used Keysnesian economics in the beginning, but in the long run, if it had survived longer, I'm sure he would have been more loose in regards to how the markets run.