lol whoever's reading who is not TC.
Your audience..? You made a few good points before you lost objectivity.
Good question. I know it happens frequently in NYC. There is a big homeless shelter named after a transkid who got beat to death about 20 years ago, where they send all the homeless LGBTQ youth.
I can look up the stats if you want.
If dude is anywhere near the Cleveland I remember, he's living in a hellhole, tho.
He runs about the same risk of getting killed for a pack of cigarettes as a transperson as anybody else in that nasty city.
You'll find that it's a small percentage of people, and most of them are black (crime is more rampant among the black population). You're probably referring to Cleveland because of that recent murder of Claire Legato, and another black trans-woman several years back? That's less than one murder per year, and about one in hundred of total murders in Cleveland (the place is a shithole regardless of your gender). And if you take the whole of Ohio that's an even smaller fraction.
If 0.1% of the population identifies as transgender (the usual number stands at 1% but I call BS on that), then that's about 11,718,568*0.001 ~ 10 000 transgenders in Ohio. So that's about one in ten thousand chance of getting murdered, if you're black. So let's say one in million if you're white? Smaller if you're not living in Cleveland.