What are their funds like? Most groups are pretty limited for resources unless there's a financial backer hiding in there somewhere, and I feel like your group's on the smaller more gorilla side.
Can't disclose that.
So is it more about you getting the necessary training to be "all that you can be", or are you like... gathering intel or some shit?
It seems like a frivolous waste of time if you ask me. You're worth more than what another person tells you to do. You aren't just a gun, you're the one holding it, and that means you cannot just be ignoring yourself or you will be little more than just a tool.
Do you respect a tool? I find them predictably mundane through how much they choose not to think, much like a kitchen knife.
Can't comment on the first sentence. As I said, not allowed to elaborate.
It's not about what they're telling me to do, I have my trust in them, they are like a brother in arms, and we both have similar goals in life.
Depends on the tool, if it were a gun, I think I'd have sentimental value with a gun I've used and became familiar with.
What to you makes a person worth following?
I am also by my very nature inherently a follower... but I'm very very picky about who I follow in that they have to earn it.
If I put my trust in them, and believe in them, and they have qualities about them that I can follow, and if we have similar goals and interests. I think I could become a leader, I just need to test that through life.
How many things motivate you other than philosophy?
Not really sure, my beliefs are the what I consider to my core, but you disagree with that. I guess if it interests me? I do like working out, I find it great. I just need to do it more.
What? But they're trying to help you.
How could you view them that way? Did they do anything to warrant such arrogance and spite as you were growing up?
If by help you mean go against my wishes, try to control my life, they don't ever want me to move out far, and they want me to take care of my mentally disabled sister when my mom dies. I just don't get along with them. I don't connect with them, they way they act, the way they are, it's obnoxious.
How successful are they in their own fields? Are they flawed generally as people or are they just mundane and annoying to you by the principle of you being a child with them as your parents?
My grandma currently has no job as my great aunt's restaurant is closed down because the flood. My mom just got a job at the post office in the town over. My aunt works at a hospital as a receptionist if I recall. My brother works as a mechanic, my other brother does railways I think, but he's an alcoholic.
Their humor, the things they enjoy, it doesn't connect with me, and whenever I used to try to talk about the stuff I liked, they would tell me to shut up because they think I was trying to make fun of them because I "sounded too smart"
How much of your first semester was paid for by them versus yourself?
Sure my family pays for it, they provided me with this life, I am grateful for that, in terms of college. I didn't want to go, but at the time I was 17 turning 18. They hold anti-military sentiments, regardless. I went a semester for them. I didn't want to, I tried to convince them, but they heavily insisted on going and trying it out.
It "wasn't for you" and you desired something not more relevant purely, but also more exciting.
You could be taking mundane paths to easily get bank towards your greater goals. I mean that and learning to live off of less has been my... "path".
I didn't want to wait 4 years to get a degree, I shifted from wanting a college degree and a job, to being more action orientated.
When did a military career kick in as something you wanted to do?There's lots of things that grant you years of experience.
What kinds of video games did/do you play? I'm wondering if you have room for idealist modeling off of proxying onto story characters.
I play strategy games and military based games. Hearts of Iron IV, Stellaris, CS:GO, Verdun, Tannenberg, need I list more? I don't think there's any fictional characters I base myself off of.
See this reads as the stages preceding call for help signs and symptoms.You don't sound well, you're on this black & white binary appraisal of how to run your own life. We can't predict where any of this is going and killing yourself is wasteful.
You could still uphold your political ideologies without being a mindless tool for another "leader"s agenda, a peon of another's order that's no different from most jar-headed preferences towards "not asking questions" and other equally retarded paths.
I'd say you're just wasting your potential. You're smart, but you need more Wisdom before you venture throwing your life into causes. With how few questions you ask there's nothing stopping you from being duped into accomplishing an agenda you don't even agree with, forced to only recognize your error in the aftermath should you survive it.
I understand a willingness to throw your life away, but doing it for another means it's in their name, not yours. If I'm to go out with a bang, I'd rather it mean something personal to me on a deeply specific level, not just some who-cares political agendas that are liable to not pan out in another's name.
You don't even know if you are really serving your own aims, just that you've been sucked into someone else's honeyed words. This. Is. How. Cultists. Happen.
I can uphold my political beliefs without being a mindless bot. I don't consider myself a mindless bot. The thing is, regardless of a group or not, I would still go into the military for experience. If I wanted to die somewhere, it'd be in a war. I've had an interest in militaries, in military history, for a while now, my game developer aspiration shifted into a more physical based, military career. Even if said career's end goal is revolution.
Look, I don't know where you want me to start in going deep into myself, to try to make you understand. I'm not going to go into my group, my task, and that which is ahead of me. If you want honesty, I do have some distrust in the plan the leader has given me, I have my concerns over it, alright? I don't see any other god damn way because there isn't. There is only military life from here on out, and I'm fine with that, the problem is I might lose contact and then I would've signed myself up to possibly die for what I definitively didn't want to serve. There are other factors in life that prevent me from changing this course of action. If I weren't on it, I would probably break because I can't picture the dread of civilian life, I can't picture facing my family when I changed my mind and then fucked over the chances for college.
That isn't to say, I don't want this. I most certainly do. It's the closest shot I got to a new slate and new life. I'm not mindlessly believing in Marxism. It's my world view, it's how I analyze the world. It just is. I look at the world through Dialectical Materialism, or at least I try my very best to.