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1 votes RE: Ramblings Again
Chaotik said: 

Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to Continuing to

Well you know, glitch out. Continuing to Malfunction. To want to destroy myself. 

So obsessed with what's coming. It's driving me crazy. I wish the Army worked out, or better I wish I could go back in TIME. I want to go back in TIME. TIME TIME IS MY ENEMY. TIME MANAGEMENT I SUFFER FROM LACK OF TIME MANAGEMENT.

Constantly critiquing what I should be focusing on. Grand aspirations. Grand ambitions. How do I manage? How do I manage? How do I manage..

I have to become Napoleon I have to become Napoleon I have to become Napoleon I have to become Napoleon I have to become Napoleon I have to become Napoleon 

 Take notes and make lists. Numbering is your friend. For priority reasons, of course. 

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0 votes RE: Ramblings Again
So obsessed with what's coming. It's driving me crazy.

I feel as if the worst outcome for him would be to see that nothing is coming, that what he's been waiting for isn't even happening to the point of having wasted this much time and brainpower thinking about it. 

It's classic sunken investment, in time he'll pray for bad things to happen to fulfil the fantasies he's concocted in his head. While the path of peace as a monk-type would be healthier, it does not play into the daydreams he's spent years having. 

Given time and enough frustration he could become the next political shooter. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/27/2024 4:20:08 PM
Posts: 867
0 votes RE: Ramblings Again
So obsessed with what's coming. It's driving me crazy.

I feel as if the worst outcome for him would be to see that nothing is coming, that what he's been waiting for isn't even happening to the point of having wasted this much time and brainpower thinking about it. 

It's classic sunken investment, in time he'll pray for bad things to happen to fulfil the fantasies he's concocted in his head. While the path of peace as a monk-type would be healthier, it does not play into the daydreams he's spent years having. 

Given time and enough frustration he could become the next political shooter. 

 I mean you're not wrong that there is that part of me that wishes for something big to happen, especially since the conditions would create a power vacuum that could maybe get some real change going.

Peaceful Monk isn't necessarily against my nature, I've thought about doing humanitarian aid and trying to commit myself to God, but because of my "fanciful delusions" I foresee a much crueler world that I must prepare for.

I can tell you right now that I don't see anything to gain from attempting to murder a president, let alone someone like Trump who albeit I view as sold out now was at least a symbol for those who are disillusioned with the establishment.

The only ones I would shoot I guess would be Biden, Harris, or Clinton but even I recognize that this would change very little as they are just corrupt sellout faces of these institutions. 

Change is coming, and I have faith that it will be a good change. I pray for no violence but historical trends imply otherwise. 

Posts: 867
0 votes RE: Ramblings Again

Posts: 867
0 votes RE: Ramblings Again

Ultimately, I'll be gone again soon. While the US Army didn't work out for me because my own conflicting thoughts towards it, and ultimately I was hateful of my contract. The actual soldiering part of it wasn't that bad, and I desire that still. 

I have intentions to return to such a life in the near future, and if i can't do the soldiering part of where I'm going, then I'll focus on the humanitarian aid and help those in need.

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