Okay I rested and feel a lot better mood wise so that’s good
I think I had just been pushed into exhaustion which... yeah I can’t get run thin like that or my mental health just plummets
it’s really important for me to stay well rested
So this morning I told my parents It’s really important I get my sleep at night. Gonna try ear plugs and eye mask, with extra strength extended release Melatonin and magnesium at night this ok top
mt normal medication will put me out but the problem isn’t falling asleep for me as much anymore as it staying asleep longer than 15-45 minutes or sometimes 2 hours is like a really long sleep for me
also considering doing a sleep study to see if I have sleep apnea or if a deviated septum may be affecting things as I noticed I do have one
my doctor recommend I do a sleep study a long time ago just because he wanted to make sure I did not have a sleep disorder and was just a light sleeper
My dad also said I need to take all the supplements and such my doc gave me so that way I can go in for further testing to make sure my deficiencies aren’t caused by autoimmune metabolic processing disorder or something else.
but perhaps my deficiencies has something to do with my inability to stay asleep you know, so that’s why I brought it up
basically just figuring out how to get my shit not out of whack and be healthy so I can not feel tired all time
health is important dawg. Stay hydrated. Sleep. Etc.
but yeah the five year old has been living in my house for the last week so that is why im Particularly exhausted. He is going home now because he has to return to school but he was just here for the week break over thanks giving getting baby sat and sleeping here
but it was rewllY exhausting
I need like a lot of silence and alone time to just relax and I get zero of that here lol so I feel like strung out
but yeah I mean just getting a little bit of rest last night did help so... yeah um... just have to fucking sleep and then like go places so I can have like re-charge in my introverted ass way
alone lol
in silence