Today was a productive day for me
I think I’m just feeling more hopeful because my parents are getting me a new car for christmas (my dream car) and we are trading in one of our other cars for a Jeep so I can ride it up and down the beach with my dogs
and I’m just really excited for that, and also I’m getting my dream vanity.
It’s not that money buys happiness, or material things. It’s just that these things inspire me.
My dad agreed too, that they would buy me a condo once I get a job. And my moms on board as well, as long as I’m in school.
I’ll be really busy but it will be actually worthwhile. It’s really difficult to support yourself as a young person and initially they were expecting that of me but, i dont know what made them change their mind.
I think it was just during covid they got scared, made me move out and like, tightened up their budget. But, now that we started making money again they’re more confident in helping me get back on my feet.
That was a huge contribution to my stress and my depression was just, not having any help.
It helps me feel hopeful about my future instead of like everything is just one big, stressful downward spiral.
anyways thats totally irrelevant from what i actually did today.
So. Like... i went to an ACA meeting last night and that was good. And just, like, stuff I’ve been realizing is helping me open my mind up like. Starting to put myself in a better mental head space. And uh... the journaling is how, i reached that place, and reading and, my recovery community as well.
And then... this morning... um... i dunno, i felt a certain sort of guilty ness, about my relationship with my dad. I just felt like i needed to stop blaming him and like let it go. And uh.... yeah. Forgiveness. I guess.
I woke up at 4am as usual, and i went to look at the christmas lights while i was having my coffee. And like, originally i was looking at my phone like, enjoying the beauty of the photos i find on tumblr of scenery and stuff. But then i just looked up and saw all these christmas lights and realized i needed to like, appreciate the real beauty in my life, too, thats right in front of me. And i wanted to capture it to show to others.
Like, everyone thinks everyone else’s reality is more beautiful when, in reality it’s easier to romanticize in the photos. But when you experience it in reality it’s maybe not as enchanting. You bring to the table your own mood and your own, experience, of the place you are in. And then, when you’re capturing that on camera you[re bringing to the camera, your perspective and how beautiful it felt to you.
I dunno. And people do the same thing with, themselves, even. Like, selfies. They’re portraying how good they felt they looked. No one actually looks that good in person, like in a walmart security camera or fluorescent lighting in an interrogation room. Even people as beautiful as Jodi arias, without all the hair dye, makeup, and fake tan. She looked, more, average. Human. Less like a Barbie doll.
But when people take photos of themselves and the way they change themselves for these photos or for their appearance, it’s an expression of how they feel they look on the inside sometimes.
And that feeling like, you pick up on it in person and they exude it. And it makes them beautiful, in person. But on camera it’s difficult to capture that into a 2d image. How beautiful they felt. So they have to, make up for it with, tricks.
But its all just expression of their subjective inner human experience, vibes that are hard to put into words.
Anyways. So thats what i was thinking about this morning. Idk why lol
i wrote some music and posted it. And that was unusual for me that i actually had a faint spark of creativity and i could “hear” the music again. It’s been blocked for a really long time. I was very rusty, its like, the ability i used to have wiht it has.... corroded
Then i took a shower, and then it was raining all day so i fell asleep. I love sleeping to the sound of rain.
When i woke up i did my hair cuz i was bored then i got hungry so i made dinner, salmon asparagus and potatoes. And then i cleaned up a bit. Laundry dishes whatever.
And then i drank a bunch of water.
Now I’m just chillin.
It’s a pretty standard like routine day but. It’s just more than I’ve done in a while so i thought i would note that like spike in like “well-person” acting behavior
Also, its important to have an active creative life where you just cut lose and enjoy the things you enjoy. I think for a long time i beat myself up thinking that wasn’t productive but like, allowing myself the room to just enjoy shit the way i want to.... its. Thats a good thing to remind myself of.
I’m just like, practicing mindfulness. More. I was thinking i need to do that deliberately in my journal as like a routine thing but.
Yeah like start out the day with, “today i feel ________” you know because, it gives you perspective on yourself and... then you start recognizing patterns and how to mange ur thought patterns and behavioral patterns and shit ultimately.
Like the other day i felt stressed out and i recognized i was stressed and told myself to take a break instead, and I chew on something minty. And just, lke take it down a knotch and remind myself I’m in recovery, and u gotta take it easy sometimes for the sake of ur recovery and do less.
And thats, cool that i could intervene and help myself like that.
If u are in recovery a highly recommend, on top of normal step work and all the shit recommended u do for the program, and like, how i journal on the side that’s cool, but also keep a specific recovery journal that you can look through when you are losing your grip and it might help. Like, positive affirmations and stuff.
There’s stuff in my recovery journal that probably doesnt make sense to other people and why its there but, it makes sens to me and thats all the matters. You know.
my other tumblr’s all bring me great inspiration or, happiness too, i will link those too i guess. And other ppl might not get why it does. But its, all subjective, the human experience so keep that in mind. What brings me catharsis or, joy, for some odd reason, might seem completely stupid to you. But, it makes sense to me. And theres reasons behind what i do.
Dont be afraid to just, do what makes you happy. We’re human, we need it. And you dont owe anyone an explanation for it either. Some ppl get it, some ppl dont. And thats just how it is, its totally cool.