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0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】
Kestrel said: 
Kestrel said: 
Kestrel said: 

Inquirer wrote an entire paragraph of hot air and got contradicted in a single sentence.

What?  Which sentence? 

I saw him put forth actual history, and then you spit out some random white dudes in response. He's being a historian, you aren't. 

What you saw was a counter point you haven't been able to refute.

Could you... quote the one sentence victory for me? 

I think you imagined it. 

My concern over you have a convenient memory: validated. Here.

Okay it's as I thought, you didn't win in one sentence and you're showboating a fake victory towards yourself to reaffirm your faith. 

You literally think "I disagree, the white renaissance was pretty bitch'n" is winning in one sentence, what? 

It's an implied claim that what was happening during the Renaissance is superior to the matters happening in Asia. Inq hasn't disagreed yet, you have, you raised counter points which were shot down. If you have any other arguments against the Renaissance not being the innovative culutural golden age for its time, Im all ears. It would be a better use of time. 

But instead I'm here, having to break down one line into baby food and re explain the obvious context because you're sperging out over its simple structure. I really don't care if you don't like how it's phrased, I care that the points are solid and that it's supported by history.


You did all of this in one sentence

No. I'm giving a brief recollection of where the topic went to help you see where you are lost. I then cite a bit from his quote I responded to.

I wouldn't play on the "your opponent has bad memory" card too much, lest someone play it back towards you (
the "No U" wouldn't be pretty for your case more than many, trust me). This is me asking for clarification to see if I can understand the apparent absurdity of your current stance. You're at this point exaggerating and conflating the weight of things, again, as more of a measure of bolstering one's faith instead of one's mind. 

I'll take it as a cope that your insult of me having a shoddy memory backfired on you. Once again, I don't care about your psychological reads of me. They aren't relevant to the subject matter. If i'm exaggerating bring up which source cited, if im conflating show me on  with what historical incident.  These smoke and mirror ad hominems mean literally nothing.

Sure enough your clarifications show me that I'm not imagining as much as I'd hoped in relation to your arguments and their current style, but I expect to need more clarification down the line so that I stop mistakenly giving your points more credit than they're apparent worth. 

No. I don't need to clarify anything to someone who's ignorant to the subject matter. You've spent pages huffing and puffing my single sentence point was invalid because you literally didn't understand it. The responsibility to be well versed and pick up context on the subject of debate is in your hands. The claim was Europeans were behind 800 years ago, I provided a counter solid counter example. All that was needed.

You aren't the first White Supremeist I've spoken with, and to their credit they were able to make points that leave the room to question reality and the formation of beliefs, but that's not what your display is doing here. You aren't being a Historian here, you're merely peppering your rhetoric with some Pop History you found somewhere as some sort of gatekeeping practice, and when people do a better job you accuse them of "powdered wigs" and other similar nonsense. 

Man, that really took the wind out of my sails. You found white supremacist that was more eloquent and liked you the way Inq's post sounded more than mine? 

I'm here whenever you want to discredit the Renaissance or put a coexisting period of innovation above it. 


You listed an era and a bunch of names, but didn't go into what any of them did. You were just like: "Well, these rando white dudes were in an Age of Enlightenment, so I win. Why people be so guilty about sayin' how the white folk are history's winners?" 

You're just really ignorant of history, I even specifically picked that bunch because they're well known.  I gave you real sources that contradicted the target time period Inq claimed Europeans were "far behind" and you're denying them for everything other than their validity. You reek of bias.

You still refuse to elaborate on the list of names you gave, again, likely because it'd make your point fall apart. Listing "Columbus" screams "I need as many names as possible." 

It's almost like, the historical figures I listed are associated with innovation. And it's almost like, it'd be autistically overkill to start naming them off left and right when Inq hasn't even responded on the matter. The time to delve into achievements is if he list Asian innovators of his own and we compare their works.

My point stands right still, regardless if it isn't in your preferred structure. Again, bring up counter examples if you actually want to debate this instead of grasping straws. Im sure your fingers hurt.

Now, instead of doing gatekeeping practices to pat yourself on the back, why don't you describe their achievements so that we can have an actual debate? I mean, I'm sure you've done the research on them, and it wouldn't be that hard for you to give us your take, right? 

Come on, show off your History skills and feed me with that spoon, I want to judge your content for it's flavor instead of some rushed summary that no Historian would take seriously if left as is. 

 He named 4 inventions, I named some of the biggest pioneers in history. It's an adequate back and forth. You just have autism.

As far as the spoon, you found out when we debated over this. Again this memory.

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
last edit on 7/9/2020 12:09:34 AM
Posts: 566
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】
Kestrel said: 
Kestrel said: 

Can you see how he made a much more well formed point compared to yours? Do you see the difference, or is making a good point in a way that shows one's scholarly efforts "wearing a powdered wig" now? Imagine that you're having a discussion where you and the other person have room to learn something for a minute, like as if you were trying to write a small paper for a middle school teacher or something, that list of names would have not been enough to get your point across on it's own. 

Acting like this is some sort of intelligence gatekeep based on how well he presented the data avoids the fact that he also made a better, more elaborative point than you did. Why diss someone for their superior understanding in a matter? 

 Paraphrasing is a vital skill, it figures you would associate a long winded post with validity. My structure doesn't make my point presented any less accurate.

Also the hot air snark comment was hardly a real diss. Get your panties out of a bunch and quit stirring

"Your point is too wordy for me to care (to understand), I prefer my information in one sentence or in the form of a haiku." 

You won't be impressing any scholars with this impatience. 

 You won't be impressing scholars by saying you dont like the sentence structure of their arguments instead of the argument itself. Cope harder

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 33590
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】
Kestrel said: 
Kestrel said: 
Kestrel said: 

Can you see how he made a much more well formed point compared to yours? Do you see the difference, or is making a good point in a way that shows one's scholarly efforts "wearing a powdered wig" now? Imagine that you're having a discussion where you and the other person have room to learn something for a minute, like as if you were trying to write a small paper for a middle school teacher or something, that list of names would have not been enough to get your point across on it's own. 

Acting like this is some sort of intelligence gatekeep based on how well he presented the data avoids the fact that he also made a better, more elaborative point than you did. Why diss someone for their superior understanding in a matter? 

 Paraphrasing is a vital skill, it figures you would associate a long winded post with validity. My structure doesn't make my point presented any less accurate.

Also the hot air snark comment was hardly a real diss. Get your panties out of a bunch and quit stirring

"Your point is too wordy for me to care (to understand), I prefer my information in one sentence or in the form of a haiku." 

You won't be impressing any scholars with this impatience. 

You won't be impressing scholars by saying you dont like the sentence structure of their arguments instead of the argument itself.

How can you call yourself a Historian if you refuse to go into intense elaboration over the history of something? 

You're like a mathematician who feels like doing math is a waste of time, or an english major who thinks that good spelling is for losers. 

Cope harder

You are way too attached to that word now, and it reminds me of a time where TK was calling people "pigs"...

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/9/2020 12:17:22 AM
Posts: 33590
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】

Already it seems that the root of the problem has been found: You like your information to be bite sized. 

Learning real history takes being able to wrestle with a high volume of words. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/9/2020 12:18:39 AM
Posts: 33590
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】
Kestrel said:
Inq hasn't even responded on the matter.

Do you take his silence as an implied victory? 

Inq hasn't disagreed yet, you have, you raised counter points which were shot down.

You shot down my... 'counter points'? 

I've been asking you to elaborate, and your reply is effectively "It'd be autistic to discuss my knowledge" and "keeping it short is keeping it smart". 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 7/9/2020 12:29:37 AM
Posts: 566
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】
Kestrel said:
Inq hasn't even responded on the matter.

Do you take his silence as an implied victory? 

No? Yeah fuck off with the stirring.

Inq hasn't disagreed yet, you have, you raised counter points which were shot down.

You shot down my... 'counter points'? 

I've been asking you to elaborate, and your reply is effectively "It'd be autistic to discuss my knowledge" and "keeping it short is keeping it smart". 

 I'm not playing this game with you, make a cited point against my argument or I'm not interested.

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 566
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】

Already it seems that the root of the problem has been found: You like your information to be bite sized. 

Learning real history takes being able to wrestle with a high volume of words. 

 It's more like you lack an understanding of a historical period that's taught at a middle school level. You want more answers without raising any of your own so you can find more spaces to weasel into. it's why you're taking these measures in an attempt to agitate me into answering you. You've spent more time asking me for more testimony when you couldn't rebuke my initial one.

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 566
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 566
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】

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I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 566
0 votes RE: 【SIEGE】

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I am with you, even unto the end of the age
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