You handle politics like faith.You're really triggered by me becoming religious. I've answered every one of your points with a solid reason as well as supporting details.
No, I'm making a comparison. If you were not religious I'd be liable to still make this comparison, and have with you in the past, but it's only recently become this zealous and literal.
We've spoken religion before, I've been able to watch a progression, and frankly it's alarming with clear parallels towards your mindset, much like your politics, views on gender, all of it.
And when was the last time we talked about religion. You see a before and after, but know nothing about what's happened in the middle. You don't have enough ground to layout my inner narration and I don't trust your memory to not slip back into convenience over conversations we had going on 3+ years ago. Especially when they contradict what I remember. It's a very alarming thing that you're doing this, if this is true and you see these loopholes you use them as a vehicle to prove your points in the current argument. Not make the argument about this, can you understand why I see it as a desperate measure?
It's a consistent theme with you lately. It seems everytime I make a point you just happen to remember me having a contrary stance in some arbitrary conversation that's never really pinned down.
Not lately, over the entirety of our knowing eachother.
COPE. Another sidestep. Keyword: Lately
I have been questioning your choices for a while now, they just were not this extremist before. What is this, did you just forget the majority of our past talks?
Questioning, different than trying to depict my inner narration. I've always had a problem with you being overconfident in your reads, but its recently now that you're reaching back on dated things that I can't even defend or it'll turn into a "I remember you" type deal. We had one other run in of this roughly 7 months ago I believe. This is a new variant that's been popping up recently.
I make comparisons, that's my thing, but you'll come up with any excuse as to how you can't possibly be the thing they're saying you are, and will straight up re-invent your perceptions of past events and realities to coast on the new self-concept's promises of comfort.
You're afraid of facing yourself, even your past mistakes are just you saying you "were" immature, but you're "smarter" now. You aren't, you're just in a new spot and can't relate to your older stances from refusing to make comparisons.You make comparisons, provide vague points which you support with barebones philosophical concepts and provide another vague example when I contradict your testimony with real world examples while providing none of your own.
I've made direct comparisons and otherwise conceptualized the problem as I've seen it this far into living.
Are you already back to fighting strawmen..?
You really don't. I've asked you in multiple instances to cite an instance where your middle pandering ideology has ever actually happened(this includes left and right oppress eachother equally bits) and I get nothing but more hot air.
What makes you think you have an accurate gauge on my internal narration anymore?
You display so much of yourself online that meeting you in person was only really surreal for the fleshy aspect of it.
You're fairly forward and transparent, so I don't think it's that weird that I, and others, could aim to gauge who you've become by comparison to who you once were. We've watched you grow and mutate over the years, give some level of credit.
Not really. i'd say that's the case in the past but I really don't go in depth about things anymore here. This dive into my political ideology is probably the "deepest" thing I've wrote in a while. You can still know my consistent surface level traits of course. But your claims go farther than that with confidence that is only cited on years old events, there's been a lot of change since then.
We haven't had a real conversation in literally years even these back and forths are spaced half years apart. The idea that you are confident enough to claim that and use it in place of concrete evidence is scary.
"You can't possibly know me, you're saying negative things!"
No, just that you can't read my mind. my last message above can serve as a response to this too.
I'm not the same person I was when we lived together, you're going to have to come to terms with that and not whip it out when you're in a corner.
No shit you're not, that's been my point.
You aren't the same person, you're worse.
I disagree. I don't like doing this back and forth, it's really just a waste of time. I'm here to test the waters and see if holes can be poked in my newfound ideology. I really don't care what you think of my mental progress.