Also I woke up in a better lighter mood than I was last night falling asleep
Like I said I had started feeling that depression coming on and lost interest in everything and became very negative in my thinking very quickly, quite isolated and like everything lost meaning. Just like, super jaded and, self loathing started having mild suicidal thoughts
I don't even know why.
and then this morning yeah I woke up perfectly fine. Thankfully.
This is something that happens to me sometimes, ever since I've been on the medication for a good while and in therapy, sometimes I will "reset" after sleeping. Sometimes. key word sometimes. lol
I think the meds make it easier to bounce back quickly from a depressive episode to normal
but yeah, doesn't always happen but in this case it did. I'd say like 75 percent of the time, if I have a minor depressive bout like this that's very short lived, I wake up the next day feeling fine or like, maybe in 2 or 3 days at the worst, I'll come out of it.
But then the rest of the time, the depressive episodes can be longer and much more severe and unbearable. Just generally, worse, and, bad. For lots of reasons which, is hard to like, list out all of the experience of that and what its like but. Yeah. It can get much worse and lengthier, even with the meds.
I'm just lucky this time it didn't and I bounced back like really fast. It was very short lived.
So yeah... *shrugs* I'm just trying to avoid things that I know will make me slip back into that depression. Everything, has triggers. Not just PTSD. Even, bipolar mania, and even depression or bipolar depression. But yeah for me I know what things will be very likely to trigger a depressive thought pattern or bad feeling or mood, which I can slide into and then like slide downward from there on, like a slipper slippery slope.
And I just avoid those things as best I can... for the sake of, feeling okay...
Because yeah when you're depressed like, you actually FEEL bad. It's just as shitty as having a regular sickness, like you just feel like shit all the time and want it to go away. A general feeling of being unwell, and it sucks ass. I don't wanna feel like that. So yeah. That's why I avoid it. I don't wanna feel like that.
but yeah like, so.. forgot to mention. BBEFORE the meds and therapy, and in the early stages of treatment, I was not able to do this whole "bounce back" waking up in the morning thing. I was just constantly depressed pretty much 100% of the time. To a point I forgot what it felt like to be normal.
And if I got into an episode of it like, I wasn't able to just come out of it after a good sleep or a fucking nap. It would drag on and on.
So, the meds make it possible I think for me to reset, I'm not sure how it does it but, it does. Back to base line or normal neutral me. Which is how I wish I could be all the time lol