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Posts: 2358
Gender Identity

It's never been anything I have been confused about.  I've put very little thought into gender identity and, perhaps like you, could give a shit over the torment it gives people (for no reason).

Posts: 150
Gender Identity

Primal, what exactly is your stance on transgenderism, and non binary?

Posts: 253
Gender Identity

gender shouldn't exist in the first place. if men and women weren't socialized to be a certain way, i'm not sure if there would be any transgenders.

in post-revolutonary china, many children had no gender identity that was pushed on them at all. they were just children. there were no girl toys, no boy toys. mao was shockingly way ahead of his time with this social engineering. it is definitely the ideal way to grow up. how many transgenders (especially transgender CHILDREN, which is becoming more prevalent) do you think would pop up in those circumstances?

i do know that dysphoria is a thing and i feel that's a whole other topic, but if it weren't for all these bullshit notions of what a man is and what a woman is, there wouldn't be so many people believing they shouldn't have been born a certain way. it's almost like being archaic and progressive at the same time.

there have even been cases where girls traumatized by sexual assault/harassment resulting from puberty wanted to have a male body as a defense mechanism, like this case. main point starts at 5:00


not to mention the dykes that thought they were men, but turned out to be butch dykes lol

this lifestyle should be looked at more. at the very least, it's not fair or wise to assume all of these people are in the right with this choice.




Posts: 1892
Gender Identity


Posts: 150
Gender Identity

Gender vs. Sex
Biological sex is perhaps the most straightforward of the three variables at the heart of the science of transsexuality. We all have a set of sex chromosomes that identifies each of us either as a genetic male (XY) or as a genetic female (XX). Of course, as we learned from the case of Olympic runner Caster Semenya, a woman rumored to have a genetic abnormality that gave her body malelike strength, chromosomal sex is not always so obvious. There are many genetic disorders in which sex chromosomes are either missing or redundant (for example, XYY), and birth defects can occur in which infants are born with ambiguous genitalia. But in general, researchers who study gender identity disorder—the clinical term for what we colloquially know as transsexuality—exclude individuals with underlying chromosomal or somatic abnormalities such as the one rumored to affect Semenya. Transsexuals are people with normal chromosomes—biological males or females—who feel, psychologically, like the opposite sex.

Posts: 567
Gender Identity

Sometimes I feel like my gender is an Apache helicopter with 6 missile launchers each side...

Posts: 150
Gender Identity

thats an old meme.

Posts: 200
Gender Identity

I don't think I've ever had a problem with someone elses gender and or sexuality, because A.) thats not my body B.) what they do or dont have between their legs doesn't hurt me. 

Like, how little do you have going on in your on life that you feel the need to be an asshole to other people discovering how they feel about their bodies? How boring your life must be to scrutinize the genders(or the lack of) of other people that will never ever affect you personally. 

North Carolina has passed a bill(HB2) banning transgendered people from using the restroom of their choosing and it's costing the city $395 million dollars to discriminate against people who just want to pee without worrying they might get jumped.

395 million dollars.

Liongate, NCAA, Apple and PayPal are all pulling out from having anything to do with this city while that bill is in place. Because thats fucked up and discriminatory and they arent willing to put business in a city that blatantly discriminates against people that don't feel comfortable in their assigned gender because its not anyone else's business what does or doesn't dangle between their legs.

Posts: 150
Gender Identity

Image result for you're correct

Posts: 253
Gender Identity

no please

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