ThenFuckit stated: source post
When tolerance is outside of things that someone can't control, then you are a fucking push over to tolerate it.
The fuck does this even mean. Express yourself more clearly.
PS. What i said was not stereotyping, it was telling you that you can't talk about tolerance if you don't talk about race/ethnicity.
Yeah you can, open that fucking mind piss-for-brain. You stereotyped my point automatically by thinking of how "tolerance campaign" has been done until now. I don't think instilling values of acceptance and cooperation into people means talking about the differences, but talking about things in common. I see no need for the differences to be pointed out at all.
That is not stereotyping, this is telling you what you can and can't do in explaining an ideology.
You're the one who needs to listen, bubble schizo. You've lost all credibility about understanding how things work in politics and society after linking grandpa Pat's video.
When you do not focus on them, how are you going to tell people to be tolerant to people of other races? Lol.
It's not telling people to be tolerant of other races but telling people to be tolerant about other people, fucktard. The labels of race, religion, sexuality need to be made as meaningless as possible since they carry a huge baggage of prejudice and bias. Simple minds like you need to be taught to look beyond this shit when they look at people, but focus on what really matters: each individual's merits, personality, talents, flaws, deeds. The entire lumping people together based on labels is dumb as hell, how you can't see it amazes me. It needs to be weeded out as much as possible, and ofc it would take centuries of education for that, until it reaches the thick skulls of so many tards in society.
Good lord you are a fucking moron. When you censor fucking racist slurs, you are focusing on them. The way things work is that when someone is racist, you just ignore him and dismiss him, not the fucking opposite.
Such bullshit. By this logic, if ISIS starts filling the media with their beliefs and incite people to join their cause we should just fucking ignore them? Because of freedom of speech or not to draw attention to them? What an idiot you are. They are the ones who draw attention to themselves. Racist talk draws attention to racist talk. The Dallas shooter liked a FB page of a group openly encouraging violence and hate towards cops, with fucking pictures of armed black people all over the place. "Take up arms and give them what they deserve" and what do you know, someone acted on this. Why was that group allowed to function and inspire?
And then when you censor one racist slur you can make an excuse to censor a sensible argument that was not racist by saying it is. And then you get racists people getting power because they point at this censorship as a talking point for their own racism. And because the other side keeps censoring real points based on imaginary racism, people turn to the racists, since they are the only people who make sense at that point.
Racial hate talk should be more than censored. They should be punished like any crime. Fines, whatever. Your argument could be applied to all the fucking criminals. "Punishing criminals gets them power and gives them talking point for their own crimes." The fuck?
Do you fucking get it? Is your brain processing this? Are there sparkles in your head yet?Pathetic. If you don't fucking get something, don't talk bullshit. There is a fucking reason why free-speech should be 100% fucking free.
I think it's time for people to take responsibility for what they are saying. They think they are entitled to say anything with 0 consequences, but there are consequences to what they are saying, and they need to understand them. They need to be responsibilized(?) via education and knowledge that they CAN be held responsible by society. Same as with any crime.
When that NRA guy was asked "why do you have loaded rifles in your house?" his answer was simply: "because it's my right". Well, him having that right is what's wrong.
You are as stupid as a fucking dog.
Suck my cock bitch. I wont even respond to such retarded garbage. I mean you are so far off the fucking point, you are so fucking deep in your own jizz that you spew when you are on your moral high ground that you can't even understand what i am talking about for weeks you fucking imbecile.
Die in a fire.
Your reaction is telling. I hit a nerve because you have no way to defend your fucking anti-cultururalmix drivel. You talk about "culture" as a static thing like an idiot, while it's forever changing and borrowing elements from other cultures, which in turn borrow elements from yours. I'm not saying it's an all good thing and I regret that some aspects of the past societies are being lost, but no fence or bitching or hate against other cultures is going to stop this. The best thing that can be done is identify the truly harmful elements of a culture (women oppression, sharia punishments) and target them specifically, guiding them patiently towards change.
The only "prejudice" I have shown in this topic is against people not being able to see past race, origins, religion, and keep lumping people together.
That is actually prejudice that you should not have, you stupid motherfucker.
What a fucking broken mentality you have Meta.
Bad: People who act like fucking assholes, don't respect their space and hold values that agree with any of the mentioned things. Like 75% of the muslim world. They think its ok to kill people, rape people, bomb schools, hang the gays, etc.
Simple minded moron you are. Do you really see shit in black and white like this or are you genuinely trying to sound like a retarded 12 yo.
If you have a problem with how muslims "THINK" and believe it's toxic and they should be acted agaisnt for it, why all that crap about "freedom of speech" and "letting people say whatever they THINK?" Transparent biased cherry picking. This should be applied to all and all toxic mentalities blamed and corrected by society. In my experience I hear fewer muslims openly hating on western culture, encouraging to hang gays and bombing schools, than I read ignorant hateful shit said about them. Just on this site alone we have what, at least 5 people who declared themselves "anti-islamic" and openly engage in islam or racist bashing. Read some FB and YT comments these days and be repelled by some people's mentality. One small example, I watched this video the other day and read the comments there:
What should be done is seeing the problem first. Something you can't see from your own moral semen on your eyes. Only once you identify the problem you can conjure up a solution. Not allowing burkas btw is stupid and i am against that. But you wouldn't think this, because i wont fit in your little prejudiced box now would i? You would think this is a contradiction, when in fact i never said anything about this before. You are a fucking moron that only assumes.
I can't take anything you say seriously when you talk about morals as a bad thing. Fuck off in medieval edgyland pal.
You have failed to give any clear statement on the "problem" so far. You are confused, pussyfooting around expressing a definite, unitary stance, and can't express yourself better than a 10 yo writing homework.
You might think i don't like you btw, but i do like you Edvard. Even if you are a fucking moron when its about politics and even if you are the moral crusader of SC.
I like you too, buddy. You're quite cool in all the other matters.