"So you believe a group of people might take advantage of this. Do you seriously believe they orchestrated these tensions themselves? And if so how"
Eddie? What is the name of this web site? Do I need to show you... tell you, how a bunch of sociopaths can get together and how their tactics work? Did you ever claim to have sociopathic tendencies? I will explain anyway, Psychopathy 101:
Mind Control. Knowing how your prey thinks and acting on it's desires...
These tensions didn't pop up over night... this has been a long fought battle of the Establishments part. And not all their attempts to divide have been successful. Push here, pull there... white vs black, straight vs gay, soccer vs football, dem vs rep, coke vs pepsi, lib vs conservative... They wait and see what takes effect with the over all mission being division of the masses. Islam vs Christian vs Jew vs Hindu vs everyone! How have they pushed and pulled?
Medusa sent me this link a long time ago. It fascinated me then, and now I find it very useful in understanding what the Establishment has been doing, what it wants, how it's going to get it, and the beauty of it all... no one can stop them.