we should be particularly mindful of our overseas-born and trained colleagues, who may be feeling shocked and betrayed
You are kidding me, you must be..lol....that is just ludicrous pap. The poor wittle doctors are victims of a vote? WTF?..LMAO..they need 'counseling' for that vote to leave the EU ?
Plenty more where that came from.
....no doubt.....lol...unfortunately...LMAO
More of similar bullshit from the consilium..lol...this crap is just a riot of double speak and guilt tripping bs:
As such, the Partnership Framework will not only help respond to crises through immediate and measurable results, but also lay the foundations of an enhanced cooperation with countries of origin, transit and destination with a well-managed migration and mobility policy at its core.
1. LESSONS LEARNED The message that migration issues are now at the top of the EU's external relations priorities has not yet been fully communicated to and appreciated by partners. It is essential that in close cooperation with all Member States it is made clear to our partners that a solution to the irregular and uncontrolled movement of people is a priority for the Union as a whole. While the High-Level Dialogues, which cover the key interests of the EU and its partners, have brought concrete political commitments and first practical actions to improve cooperation, much still needs to be done, in particular on returns and readmission. Regular operational steps and weekly contacts are needed to take forward the European Agenda on Migration High-Level Dialogues on Migration3 and the reviewed European Neighbourhood Policy4 have brought a new focus to relations with key countries on migration. The Western Balkans Leaders' Meeting in October 20155 set up a system of regular and structured dialogue, information sharing and cooperation between countries in the region, combined with direct EU support to specific needs. Such day to day cooperation could be adapted for use with other relevant migration routes, for example to strengthen the operational implementation of the Rabat and Khartoum processes in Africa. The Valletta Summit, with its Action Plan of 16 priority initiatives, framed a shared responsibility, and underlined that the EU and African countries must work in a spirit of partnership. This Action Plan must now be translated into results. The intensity of the implementation process must be increased. To have a real impact, the EU cannot rely on its migration toolkit alone
1. Been communicated and disregarded as the crap it reads as..lol
2.. LMAO....EU, partners appear to be on the run...for damn good reasons. EU is the Islamopean Uniphate, minus the Sharia, but it's in the works. .
3. Follow the Balkan lead!
4. Translates into, 'strings' and guilt trips of Billion dollar proportions. Poland is still not bending on that, seems those terms came after the EU blunder.
5. In short, the EU is totally fucked and scrambling with threats of 'if you don't join ' dire consequences and screwed if the rest of EU leaves. Not exactly the strongest position, is it?
6. EU NEEDS the Eye and a Brain...but they won't use either, so what's the point?