Inquirer stated: source post
You're not even criticizing the moral relativism we have today. No one is claiming a person living in Paris is worth more than someone in Beirut, or that a terror attack in Paris is worse than an identical attack in Beirut.
Actions speak louder than words when people go kumbia over a group of people they never because of their nation, while for others they do not because of their nation again. On the grand scale of things, it's not looking good.
I did criticize it too. People went as far as to lighting candles and gathering together because it was made into a trend as opposed to genuine mass sympathy. I don't condone what happened, but behind the stage the reason for it happening is clear.
People would still be hypocrites with absolute morality, because there is really no such thing in practice.
That's assuming their actual actions, are partially immoral making them hypocrites, then there is no practice of absolute morality in that picture so it would be impossible for not practicing it to bring reason for hypocrisy.
Morality itself never entails perfection to be absolute.
Come on. Paris was a coordinated attack carried out by several terrorists in an otherwise 'safe' city, and it was in the west. A Russian plane getting blown up in the Middle East is also horrible, but it's easy to see why it's not as spectacular
The Russian plan attack had more casualties than Paris, 224 to 130. Both attacks were effective. Maybe it's just me, but every time a plane goes down, it makes my eyes bulge.
Also, a better comparison would be the Russian plane to the 'Dutch' plane shot down over Ukraine.
Bombed Russian plane went down 12 days before Paris attack, so I compared the west's reaction to this one.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
You should see the size of the bombs the west has done over there. What they've done doesn't work, no matter how many innocent civilians the west kills.
The new humanity is so divided among our own. No arguing it. That is moral relativism right there, and it is arrogantly backward and out of sync with morality.
I get your point, sometimes some people (casualties of war etc.) are de facto 'worth' less. I don't condone or excuse all of it but I do think war and similar situations can't be navigated without having to weigh morals against each other.
That's true. I think it would be better for the leaders themselves to get into scraps instead of leading on troops to do their work, but that's not good for the fewer. Still we do it their way.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
Didn't I already say how France was part of a US lead coalition ? See you still don't even know.
France started bombing Syria in September 2015, then 2 months later in November they got attacked.
Everyone's sympathy for Paris is war propaganda perpetuated through the Media, cause they don't want westerners blaming the government for putting them in dangers way.
People think they are doing the right thing as up to this day people carry on about the Paris attack, as though France following the US's agenda wasn't the reason for putting Paris in harms way.
And what did ISIS do before that? Mind their own business in peace?
Actually, yes they did mind their business. See those guys grew up in a world where they were being bombed for well over 20 years by the US, and it goes back even further with other nations bombing them. They all have family and friends, lovers, and even their children who got blown to pieces. The conflicts are always in the interests of the leaders, but in this case these people are very furious so the Islamic state was born.
France decided they wanted to help defeat ISIS, and they probably got attacked because of it. So what? Sounds like you think it was a fair response by ISIS.
It is 100% why they got attacked for it. It's also why the Russian airliner was attacked, cause Russia started attacking them too.
Not a fair response no, it's not an even response either, more hell over there, it's not about fair, they declared war young man, it's what it is.
Is any of what I'm saying not obvious ?
Spatial Mind stated: source post
Morality is comprised of a higher intelligence, where the outcome isn't calamity, such as displaced civilians and deluded masses.
I disagree. Morality is a social construct.
The day you came out of your mothers vagina, you had to be looked after. Neglect would have easily killed you. If not your parents, then someone else would have to look after you. Immorality does exist, and I'm afraid most infants that end up in the trash are not saved.
Social construct my ass. It's necessary, especially if you're human cause when we're born, we're immobile for several weeks, and when we're raised under harsh conditions, we become traumatized and have difficulty functioning.
The Island of psychopaths theory is most likely a civilization that will collapse, cause a species that lacks morality is a self destructive species, that wouldn't even multiply enough to carry on.
What we call morality in any language or expression, is NOT a human invention. Even dogs have a sense of morality Inq.
Like I said, I think your criticism of 'sheep' is legitimate, but not your criticism of moral relativism in general. People in the west do not feel as much for Russian or third world civilians because of cultural and geographical distance, which is logical. I'd care more if my neighbors got murdered than some random family in Canada, for example, but this does not mean I think their life is worth less.
Logic is neither good or bad. Everyone has their own outlook and ways about them. But yes, that's what I'm saying, the victims in Paris is not a good thing, however, the masses portrayed themselves to mourn, when they don't have the capacity to mourn for people they never knew.
If it happened to someone you know, or on your own block, well that's a better excuse to take selfies and light candles.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
Over there Gadaffi was a hero, but here he's an accused terrorist. The Scottish already made it clear it wasn't Gadaffi who blew up a US plane over Scotland, but it was Iran seeking revenge for the Persian passenger plane the US accidentally show down a week or so prior.
Gadaffi used to be a hero back in the day, but hardly retained that image domestically during the Arab Spring. He was a dictator and only wanted what was best for himself.
Before NATO ruined it, Libya was the best country in the world to live in. Gaddafi made the true American dream.