A person subscribing to absolute morals could also betray them .
Inquirer stated: source post
This seems to me to be more a criticism of people than a criticism of moral relativism. People are hypocrites and sheep. We all are.
Of course it's a criticism. I am pointing out the dark side to moral relativism, and why it isn't even moral at all. Sugar coating it wouldn't exactly help.
I do think there are several good reasons as to why the Paris attack got so much more attention than the attack on the Russian plane, but primarily it was a spectacular event (as opposed to blowing up a plane) and an attack on the 'west'. Of course the west would react more to this than something happening outside its borders.
A bomb and some gunfire with less casualties is more spectacular than a passenger plane being blown out of the sky ? Really ?
You should see the size of the bombs the west has done over there. What they've done doesn't work, no matter how many innocent civilians the west kills.
As for the Iraq war casualties etc. they don't bother us as much because deaths are an integral part of war. It's part of the 'plan'. And we have a harder time empathizing because it's not really happening in 'our' world.
The new humanity is so divided among our own. No arguing it. That is moral relativism right there, and it is arrogantly backward and out of sync with morality.
Paris struck first how? By declaring war on ISIS?
Didn't I already say how France was part of a US lead coalition ? See you still don't even know.
France started bombing Syria in September 2015, then 2 months later in November they got attacked.
Everyone's sympathy for Paris is war propaganda perpetuated through the Media, cause they don't want westerners blaming the government for putting them in dangers way.
People think they are doing the right thing as up to this day people carry on about the Paris attack, as though France following the US's agenda wasn't the reason for putting Paris in harms way.
Morality is comprised of a higher intelligence, where the outcome isn't calamity, such as displaced civilians and deluded masses.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
Morality is more than a universal agreement or some cheap concept a primal version of us invented. From birth we need it, or we'll die.
I don't believe we're born with a static, absolutist set of morals but I do think the vast majority of people agree on morals when painted in broad strokes. We're all humans after all, and we all would like to keep living and avoid pain.
Spatial Mind stated: source post
But it's you I'm helping.
Russian plane gets attacked, all 200 some odd people die.
Less than a month later, there was an attack on Paris with less casualties.
The media gives a heart felt condolences to the people of Paris. It's all over Facebook. Millions of people, maybe billions, are showing sympathy for Paris, posting selfies for the flag.
People think they are doing the right thing by going so far as to express themselves in such a manner, but they never knew the people who died.
What about the millions who died in Iraq from 911 ?
People think they are moral, and some recognize morality to be a social construct, probably because so many of us fake it because they are so afraid of not following along when they are TOLD when to weep.
People also overlook the fact that Paris struck first, and the Paris attack resulted in Paris escalating their aggression in affairs the US dragged them into. Talk about it, and a lot of sheep will mistaken shame for insult, and they'll get defensive.
This seems to me to be more a criticism of people than a criticism of moral relativism. People are hypocrites and sheep. We all are.
I do think there are several good reasons as to why the Paris attack got so much more attention than the attack on the Russian plane, but primarily it was a spectacular event (as opposed to blowing up a plane) and an attack on the 'west'. Of course the west would react more to this than something happening outside its borders.
As for the Iraq war casualties etc. they don't bother us as much because deaths are an integral part of war. It's part of the 'plan'. And we have a harder time empathizing because it's not really happening in 'our' world.
Paris struck first how? By declaring war on ISIS?
That's true, I recall some bombing that took place before the media went on for weeks programming people how to respond to Paris.
The sadness for Paris ? No one was really sad about it, people like to keep up their image. Up to this day some people still sport their Paris flag filters, and spread the whole "never forget" message about it.
People don't feel for the innocent middle eastern people, nor do they for Russian civilians, or 3rd world. Libya was the best place in the world to live at one point, and they were on the verge of topping the fiat dollar by planning to go gold standard, and their currency would actually be gold coins.
Over there Gadaffi was a hero, but here he's an accused terrorist. The Scottish already made it clear it wasn't Gadaffi who blew up a US plane over Scotland, but it was Iran seeking revenge for the Persian passenger plane the US accidentally show down a week or so prior.
After being accused or this attack, Libya was cut off from world trade even though they denied doing it. After 2 years Gadaffi had to take the blame and pay penalties so he can get his country back on the market, so he did.
Today the FBI's report on the matter claims that gadaffi was an "accused" terrorist.
The new age spawn of Satan :
Not much to worry about, as they tend to self destruct on their own..lol..suicide is rather high pre and post op. Although they do induce headaches when forced to listen to their shrill squawking about their fucking feelings.
Both Spatial and Leon discuss 'Absolute Morality" which is what ? Both refuse or seem incapable of coughing up something definitive. Do be so kind as to enlighten...or not as the case may be...
There was the double bombing in Beirut about a day before Paris - no one gave a shit
Then came Paris, the killings and of course the 'vigils' in which white lefties and other perverts attended in order to try and get laid. The arsonists became firemen became grief counsellors.
After all, as with sociopaths...... ITS ALL ABOUT ME !!!!!! .....and these people are one and the same.....
How long did the 'sadness' for Paris last? A couple of days?
Inquirer stated: source post
This seems to me to be more a criticism of people than a criticism of moral relativism. People are hypocrites and sheep. We all are.
Of course it's a criticism. I am pointing out the dark side to moral relativism, and why it isn't even moral at all. Sugar coating it wouldn't exactly help.
I do think there are several good reasons as to why the Paris attack got so much more attention than the attack on the Russian plane, but primarily it was a spectacular event (as opposed to blowing up a plane) and an attack on the 'west'. Of course the west would react more to this than something happening outside its borders.
A bomb and some gunfire with less casualties is more spectacular than a passenger plane being blown out of the sky ? Really ?
You should see the size of the bombs the west has done over there. What they've done doesn't work, no matter how many innocent civilians the west kills.
As for the Iraq war casualties etc. they don't bother us as much because deaths are an integral part of war. It's part of the 'plan'. And we have a harder time empathizing because it's not really happening in 'our' world.
The new humanity is so divided among our own. No arguing it. That is moral relativism right there, and it is arrogantly backward and out of sync with morality.
Paris struck first how? By declaring war on ISIS?
Didn't I already say how France was part of a US lead coalition ? See you still don't even know.
France started bombing Syria in Spetember 2015, then 2 months later in November they got attacked.
Everyone's sympathy for Paris is war propaganda perpetuated through the Media, cause they don't want westerners blaming the government for putting them in dangers way.
People think they are doing the right thing as up to this day people carry on about the Paris attack, as though France following the US's agenda wasn't the reason for putting Paris in harms way.
Morality is comprised of a higher intelligence, where the outcome isn't calamity, such as displaced civilians and deluded masses.
I see morality as an accessory to three possible schools of thought: premodernism, modernism, and postmodernism. 'Traditional' morality tends to be more in line with premodernism, but premodernism is over and has been for some time. Most think modernism has passed as well, hence the existence of postmodernism, but not all do.
If you compare Weimar Germany to Germany under the Third Reich, the former is an example of modernism. The latter is arguably postmodernist. In terms of morality, Weimar Culture was liberal and unconcerned with purity. In this sense it was less moral. Fascism and socialism are arguably postmodern political philosophies because they seek to repair what damage modernism's pursuit of absolute autonomy might have caused in favor of what they believe is an improved society.
Postmodernism can be seen in prevalence in developed western countries; however, ISIS represents a potential example of extreme postmodernist ideology rejecting the lingering modernist values of the west. Despite coming after modernism, postmodernism can be anti-Enlightenment and preoccupied with returning to a premodernist past. With groups like ISIS, morality is both subjective and absolute. It is subjective in that it is based on their rejection of modernism, but absolute in that through their rejection of autonomy, they form a collective moral standard that is "the norm" within their group. A modernist thinker would have subjective morality, but its absolutism would depend upon the rigidity of the individual's identity. Looking at it from that perspective, it is unlikely for any disordered person to have absolute morality, but rather, they an subscribe to a philosophy that advocates for one or the other.
1) http://www.allaboutworldview.org/postmodern-ethics.htm
2) http://www.challies.com/articles/postmodern-morality-authority-and-accountability
leon14 stated: source post
There was the double bombing in Beirut about a day before Paris - no one gave a shit.
I'm sure some people gave a shit; maybe you need to look beyond western media.
"How long did the 'sadness' for Paris last? A couple of days?"
Long enough, imo. Best way to fight evil? Dance on its grave