What makes you think I'm reliant on you disagreeing with Fence ?
Spatial Mind: "And I said she needs a slap, like a month ago, and here you are flocking up with people who want to bring it up now, like the groupthinker you are."
...but you do the same sort of things. The only difference here is that other people happen to believe the same thing she does, while you instead spin off on your own "conclusions".
Xena: "Because it's not your place to beat them.
You get another woman to do that. Only losers beat women if they're male."
"Not your place"? Wow, so sexist.
Personally, I don't think gender ought to be a factor when it comes to hitting someone. Context, differences in strength, liability risk, these sorts of things are worth focusing on. I avoid physical confrontation equally between both sexes to the best of my ability, but for those times where there isn't another answer... to get someone to do my fighting for me sounds more shameful than handling it myself.
Xena: "If a woman HITS a man she's acting like one. That's the only time a man has the right to hit a woman."
Wow, the sexism keeps going. By this logic all men have it coming, while a woman has to go out of her way to change her gender status through violence just to be treated as an equal instead of something weaker, fairer, in need of another's protection.
That shouldn't be a factor of gender, it instead should be a factor of power.
"By this logic all men have it coming, while a woman has to go out of her way to change her gender status through violence just to be treated as an equal instead of something weaker, fairer, in need of another's protection.
That shouldn't be a factor of gender, it instead should be a factor of power."
Again, Turn... I said IF.
It shouldn't be assumed that hitting is a matter of course.
It's not my place to hit a child, either. But IF a child is an extreme bully and needs a good ass whupping to learn a lesson, I'd get another minor to beat him/ her. There was one time when my daughter was getting bullied and the other kid's mom did nothing. So I taught her to beat the other kid with a weapon. Extreme times, extreme measures.
Why do you always assume that my exceptions are my rules?
I don't hit men until they come at me, looking like they're about to hit me. But IF that happens, I don't pull my punches like I do with women. That's bc women are smaller and often more frail than men.
If I have to fight a man, I certainly expect him to kick my ass. But like I've said many times, I'll go down fighting.
" to get someone to do my fighting for me sounds more shameful than handling it myself."
So you'd beat somebody half your size? I always knew there was a reason I didn't like you :P
And wth do you mean by power? If Michelle Obama took a shot at me I'd beat her too. lol
*Note that Michelle is a strapping ex basketball player. She could prolly kick my ass. But I might just like it :$
2 words, Turn.
Statistical averages.
Again, quit trying to make exceptions into rules.
They're not anything-ist generalizations if I've studied the stats. The word is heuristic :P
^ It can but does not always include stereotypes. I try to keep those to a minimum, thx
Statements like "It's not your place" while playing towards the gender card beg to differ.
That's not playing the gender card. I thought I made myself clear when I made the comparison to children.
I was talking about size and strength. You shouldn't hit male midgets either.
"We have a few of those. We just don't put them on display as if they were assets, like men do :P"
...the amount of pain experienced from a hit to the balls is astonishingly high. It triggers all sorts of nasty symptoms too.
So where do you see any indication in my assertion (which you've so creatively painted green) that I believe otherwise? I said we have some weak spots too. But we don't turn them into targets like men do.
No I'm not talking about our coochies. Those are designed for pushing out gallons of children. Thanks to bipedalism and our stupidly large heads, human females have the toughest coochies on earth :P