I made an estimation based on everything I've seen you say in posts and chat. An estimation is different than a blind assumption. I gave you no evidence on which to assume that I think you're "incapable of reasoning or understanding" or that I think so because you don't feel the need to be a "keyboard brain warrior", or that I based all this on only the few posts you've made in this thread, or that I take anything you say seriously. : ) And yet you came to this conclusion, regardless. And with quite an air of certainty, too. This is assumption. However, your theory that I think you're stupid, that's an estimation. Good job. ; D
"I was kinda offended by this."
This kind of vulnerable honesty is rare on SC. : P
"Just because I don't feel the need to be a keyboard brain warrior you think I'm incapable of reasoning or understanding."
I'm sorry, are you asking me what I think, or telling me?
"And from only few nonsensical posts"
More assumptions about my thought process.
"which you took way more seriously than I did."
More assumptions about my thought process.
"One more thing. Do you shave?"
More assu...... wait... are you actually asking me something? Not just imagining ways to invalidate my opinions for your convenience? Oh wow. I'm honoured.
And in answer to your question; maybe. ; )
the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters.
the understanding or mental powers of a particular person
an intelligent or intellectual person.
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
"I don't think you're differentiating between being unintelligent and being incapable of reason or understanding."
Do YOU know the difference?
"You give Angee that much intellectual (the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters.) credit? : P"
On top of that, it's not us judging what others find attractive, it's closer to prying at the source of it, understanding the why while looking at the ramifications of it.
If those following the conformist aesthetic were willing to say "Yes, I think this way because society has programmed me to", then there'd be less clash.
Would you mind quoting to me, the parts that are giving you this impression of taking it personally or feeling persecuted? If you all think I'm taking this personally, I must be conveying the wrong tone somewhere, but I honestly don't know where. What did I say that came off this way?
No, I don't think being "different" is a bad thing. But the overlying point of her post seems to be that being in a small minority does in fact make our opinions less valid. And it can be summed up quite well in her final sentence. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with being different to that, but perhaps you should open your minds a little and realise that it maybe doesn't make you best qualified to judge what the majority of people find attractive and why." She's stating plainly, that we are less qualified to have an opinion on the subject at hand, because we are different. I don't know how else to explain it, without simply repeating her, word for word.
"take what she said about your views without adding your own interpretation and you might find that it's not as catty as it may have seemed."
It's not catty. (Well, not until her second post.) It's just wrong.
"this really has nothing to do with social acceptance,instead its the rules of the game you're conforming to."
So you're basically saying that you're a willing conformist? Is it because that such a path is easier to you?
It's weird to see you pushing towards the "rule follower" angle.
I am NOT saying that. I am saying that you are a judgmental condescending old bag that insists on sitting behind a computer screen insulting people to make yourself feel better. This whoooole conversation was about you thinking you knew my level of intellect based on how I act on a forum. And you insinuate that I am pompous, ha. It was Not about what I think about unintelligent people. Stop going off into some left field of he said she said when I said nothing of the sort. I saaaaid you said that I was incapable of reasoning or understanding, because you asked Ed if he thought I deserved that much intellectual credit. Where does me saying that lack of intelligence makes people brain dead come in?