"If you're immune to that then ok, good for you. I'm not saying it makes you abnormal"
That's actually exactly what you're saying. : P
Well that would be right. Normalcy is defined by what's most common. Someone who likes scat can be called abnormal, although he'd make the same case as you, that " Everything and anything is attractive to the right person. Because something is only attractive to a few people, doesn't mean it's objectively unattractive."
When I first suggested a double standard at play, you argued that it's fair for men to expect women to shave, just as it's fair for women to expect men not to wear makeup.
Alright, I was thinking of the general principle. You denied that proper standards need some work to achieve. Then you use a single example I gave (not wearing make up) to try to render false my whole point about men being held to standards that women are not, like men being expected to carry the heaviest part of the luggage/shopped items.
The whole thing about women crying double standards in situations like this is that pretty much everything is a double standard in social interactions, and singling out specific things like shaving doesn't make much sense, unless personal reasons.
That's how societal brainwashing works. : / An idea spreads, is reinforced through media, and after a long enough time of adjustment is accepted as the way of the world. And it was decided on by men. Not all men, but men solely. Please reread the "history lesson", if you don't know to what I'm referring.
Yeah, do you have any proof things worked this way? You sure "everything was decided by men"? If you ask me, you're the one underestimating the women and being unfair to them at this point. You think women were these weaklings just doing what their men told them to. Women have always been cunning and knew how to stir a man into the direction they wanted, they have always had the shadow power. Yes, sexual attraction was a powerful tool for them in that, and still is, and it makes more sense to think they had more saying in deciding what men found attractive or not, since it was pretty much their best weapon in the game. Look into the history of the turkish harems for example, how women there often had the most power even over the sultan. Even the entire reign of Suleiman the Magnificent was dominated by the political games played by the women around him.
Do you think women with small breasts should have surgery simply to uphold your standards of sexual attractiveness?
Small breasts aren't unnatural, and no, just as men with small balls and dicks shouldn't torture them with devices into being bigger. I just tried to explain WHY some traits are more attractive to men, since you said they were random. I'm confused why despite this Turncoat still got the impression that I don't wonder about the "why"s.
"What, you expect men to have breast implants now?"
I don't expect anything. That's the point. : P
Thank the fucking god you don't expect anything, because that means you don't really expect me to buy this lmao! XD!
I have said none of these things, I have implied none of these things, and I have meant none of these things. I have been making two points. One is disputing the claim that body hair on women is "unnatural".
Not sure who you've been arguing against. Who said hair on women was unnatural in that way? Gee and I said body hair on women these days is unnatural in the sense that it goes against the even more natural desire of not being rejected by the mates/group.
The other is suggesting that men who feel that all women have an obligation to shave, are hypocrites.
Society is full of obligations. Why you got so fixated on this in the multitude of different obligations for different genders, social classes, intellectual classes, etc, is what doesn't make sense to me. If we're asking about WHYS, I think you should think about why this issue is so important to you compared to others on which you've stayed silent so far.
A) I never said that women were innocent of double standards. (I believe you're making assumptions because you feel that I'm attacking your gender. Which I'm not.)
You kinda are, when 2 groups are making the same mistake but you're only picking on one. It's like when you and the boy next door get into a fight but only you get called out for it. I always hated that, it seemed unfair.
B) Expecting someone to shave for you, if they expect you to shave for them and you concede, is not a double standard. It's equal.
Not if there are different consequences for that. I also don't think equality works that simple (if I am to do this then you are to do the same).
Exactly what is it that you think I'm blaming on men?
Keep up Crow on Defence, just a few paragraphs earlier you said men have always imposed beauty standards on women.
Just because societal programming is so old that it's affected our gene pool on mass, does not mean that it wasn't a force of society rather than of nature.
Why do you think society isn't natural? I have doubts there was a gene selection of women who like to make themselves attractive, lmao, but even if so, why would that be unnatural. Look at lion prides and monkey groups, no one tells the orangutan that he's a hypocrite for mating with the mates that encourage mating behavior the most. You think bees call their males unfair because the males just eat and fuck (if lucky) while the bees are working their asses off? Or the peacock cries double standards because the peahens don't need to prune their feathers and dance to win over a mate?
Are you suggesting that women should have to start blinding themselves again? XD
...The fuck?
"So yeah, you have a problem with shaving/waxing" Do I? My god, is anyone on this thread capable of reading a statement for what it is, without projecting imagined meanings onto it?
So you don't have a problem with what you feel are double standards? Or are you just backtracking like a minx now?
Lucky you, indeed. By all means, keep appreciating those women for what they do for you, rather than taking it for granted as an innate obligation of being female. Congrats on coming to that radical conclusion all on your own. : P
Yeah definitely no issue with it at all. Perfect unbiased logical statement here, with no traces of sarcastic accusations and moral righteousness whatsoever XD