Is it unnatural to brush your teeth? 100 years ago a lot of ppl didn't do that either. Is it unnatural to wash yourself more often than once a month or so? If you go back not so very far in history most ppl didn't.
I'm not sure if I can express this in the right way, but I'll give it a go... Turn and Crow seem to be the only ppl who just don't seem to get it that it's something innate that it's not attractive for women to have hair in certain places, and it is for men, and I kinda wonder if that has to do with you two having different sexual desires to most people, like your brains and preferences just being wired up differently or something.
Irrespective of what culture or period of history you come from, the vast majority of ppl do want men to be dominant and women to be submissive, it's just a kind of natural desire that doesn't come from any kind of pressure, like some sexuality that you are born with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being different to that, but perhaps you should open your minds a little and realise that it maybe doesn't make you best qualified to judge what the majority of people find attractive and why.
"Of course my personal preference is the natural order of the world silly."
You really ought to work on your word choices. The dates she posted show that it's really more of a fad gone viral.
Then again you aren't the most thorough reader... so such mistakes are expected.
Of course my personal preference is the natural order of the world silly. Don't bother trying to tell me any different either, I'm oblivious to the fact that some may not jump to my whims. I won't listen to you trying to tell me to that I'm delusional and I'll just poohpooh away your words with the air of the extraordinarily conceited and spoiled. I don't see how I could really be looked down upon for my behavior either. The world has proven time and time again that it's more than willing to make me happy in whatever way I ask of it. It's my oyster and the people are my pearls :D Those that don't conform to my standards, are simply not people to me, they are less than, and inconsequential. sticks tongue out at crow on the fence That being said, anytime you want to chat, please, feel free to pm me. I want to lick your brain and see if you taste as in intriguing as you appear to be <3 Tata for now, and, please excuse any typos or grammar mistakes I'm high and lazy.
"I also don't see shaving vs not shaving as going as far as being a pariah. I mean shit, it's just body hair, lighten up."
Her criticism seemed to go beyond body hair. (And even so, a woman with a moustache or unibrow would pretty much be a pariah in western society outside the circus.)
The double teaming is cute :D I take no issue with it, it makes things more challenging to the other posters.
Personally, it's not that I want women I'm with to have body hair, it's that I want them to be themselves. I think that's the more mature perspective to carry instead of being petty and expecting the world to conform to my standards.
And yeah, as she said, similar enough thoughts. She actually prefers me with body hair, but she lets me be me instead of expecting me to conform to some standard.
I also don't see shaving vs not shaving as going as far as being a pariah. I mean shit, it's just body hair, lighten up.
Calm down love, no need to get that panty hair in a twist now.
You're the one telling us that our opinions are invalid solely because they don't conform to societies status quo. And we're supposed to open our minds? : P
Erm, that's basically the exact opposite of what I was saying. Try using your brain, quitting that victim mentality and reading it again.
So because we have the gall to challenge the objectivity of your personal preferences, we're mentally ill? Wow, Freyja. XD (Or should I say Pink?)
Not sure if trolling or retard... Seriously, I wrote my post v early in the morning with brain not engaged, but I'd still like to think I came off a tad more articulate than PINK ffs. And where did you get 'mentally ill' from? Random.
There is no such thing as "innate", when it comes to attractiveness. Attraction is an individual response, making it completely subjective. There are things that more people find attractive and things that fewer people find attractive, but it's not an objective ideal.
I completely disagree with this. I think Edvard covered it pretty well in his post. There are objective, scientific reasons as to why certain traits are more attractive than others, stuff that signifies eostrogen and testosterone and so on. This is stuff which is pretty much found in all cultures in various shapes and forms. And yes, people outside the US do shave thank you very much. There are certain preferences we are hardwired to have, it's not to do with cultural pressure, it's biology. If you're immune to that then ok, good for you. I'm not saying it makes you abnormal or mentally ill (although you seem determined to be a victim or a special snowflake so i'm sure you'll interpret it as such nomatter what I say), I'm just saying that you don't speak for the majority.
"I thought Gee meant having armpit hair etc was natural. At the same time, going against the generally accepted stuff in society and risking being the pariah is not natural, since the social instinct is pretty strong too. Put those two in balance..."
You give Angee that much intellectual credit? : P
"I can't help but notice how you and Crow keep double teaming/coming to support each other in this thread and a couple of others. You aiming for the position of powercouple here? :D"
There's a reason he and I are compatible. We do tend to agree on most things. We also find similar topics of interest or disinterest. And if one of us hasn't noticed a topic of interest, we usually hear about it from the other. We do live together. These sorts of things are bound to come up.