by Thrill Kill
A. So, if someone brutally raped you, you'd be willing to accept that your karma contributed to the action?
B. After all, if karma exists, then what goes around comes around, right?
C. If you had an accident that caused you serious injury, would you say that's karma at work?
A. it depends A1. if it is true and A2. if it is my karma to believe this or not. so it depends on the case, and also what is my karma in responding to it? what if I am meant to heal by saying it was my karma, or if I am meant to heal by saying it wasn't my fault. it depends on the case and the process the person is meant to go through how they respond.
when I suffered abuse with my first boyfriend, I hadnt resolved issues with my parents I didn't know I was carrying. the reason my perception was blocked was because of that. had I known we weren't really meant to get married in the future as husband and wife I never would get involved in the first place, I would avoid the karmic relationship. but I didn't know, because past karma blocked or limited my perception so I didn't see this problem. so yes, that was partially my family karma and partially my boyfriend's karma with his parents. bad karma was repeating on both sides before I understood how it works. it was fairly mutual, and took both of us resolving our issues with each other and our parents. We agreed to resolve all this before going on to next relations so it didn't repeat.
B. now I know how karma works, it is now my karma to resolve my half of any conflicts. so what comes around goes around, when I help resolve conflicts all people benefit. there is that much less negative karma dumping around, so getting rid of it makes room for positive things instead. i believe this healing approach also reduces anger or rage issues that lead to murder rape or other violations; and this healing can also cure criminal illness
C. Yes and no. It can be indirect karma or future karma. for example when I hurt myself at work, I could not do my usual errands because i couldn't drive. I ended up focusing my time on other websites I don't usually spend time on. some of that helped me indirectly in new ways. Then I could go back and work on the problems with different ideas and help.
So what if the injury itself was not the issue? what if I ended up going to the doctor because I got referred to clinics for some 'future reason"?
it could be that it forced other things to happen to solve other problems?
not sure. so if you want to call that kind of cause and effect a form of karma. YES.
p.s. because anything could be the reason for anything, that is why it is faith based. things happen for a reason but you may believe in one thing. or we may agree it was another.
that is why i go by what we agree on in each case that matters to the person. if you believe differently I can only assume that is your karma and your responsibility