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Posts: 446
any theories on what consciousness is?

You need to have faith to understand it... ;)

In other words, sheeple syndrome...

Posts: 446
any theories on what consciousness is?

Again, source your bullshit... provide me links to where you actually get these insane ideas fro/...

Do you really think that after all the temples built to the gods that they didn't actually worship them?

Posts: 446
any theories on what consciousness is?

pisses on your feet lick your own toes bitch...

Posts: 1892
any theories on what consciousness is?

Yea, I guess I am not "strong" enough to just let go. Darn.

Posts: 3722
any theories on what consciousness is?

that the post i was replying to was the truth. oh God you're so fucking stupid, lick my toes.

Posts: 68
any theories on what consciousness is?

if you wanna suck it... just ask... I'm pretty booked this month, but may be able to pencil you in by september...

Posts: 3722
any theories on what consciousness is?

what's wrong, aren't things working out with your christian girl?

Posts: 3722
any theories on what consciousness is?

double post

Posts: 1063
any theories on what consciousness is?


Posts: 1892
any theories on what consciousness is?

LOL!!!! I'd like to see that... and I don't know why.  Then again, I'd like to see you lick 'em too;-)

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