You need to have faith to understand it... ;) In other words, sheeple syndrome...
Again, source your bullshit... provide me links to where you actually get these insane ideas fro/... Do you really think that after all the temples built to the gods that they didn't actually worship them?
pisses on your feet lick your own toes bitch...
Yea, I guess I am not "strong" enough to just let go. Darn.
that the post i was replying to was the truth. oh God you're so fucking stupid, lick my toes.
if you wanna suck it... just ask... I'm pretty booked this month, but may be able to pencil you in by september...
what's wrong, aren't things working out with your christian girl?
double post
LOL!!!! I'd like to see that... and I don't know why. Then again, I'd like to see you lick 'em too;-)