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Posts: 446
any theories on what consciousness is?

God like "magic" are just things that humans have used to rationalize things they cannot comprehend... it is the justification they have to make up for their weak intellect... because our egos are so fragile it is better to believe something so ludicrous as a bearded clockwork in the sky than to admit we simply do not know... 

Posts: 249
any theories on what consciousness is?

You clearly don't understand the different types of way each of those religions were reguarded. Greek and roman gods were more taken as play characters than something to be worshipped.

The core of most faith is oneness with each other, that's what god is usually seen as. And there's really nothing wrong or foolish about it.

Posts: 2216
any theories on what consciousness is?

Sure... faith...That thing that exists and has but one
purpose... to purpetuate ignorance... to inslave the mind into a concept
that things are forever beyond our control... a justification for never
trying to control your world.Indeed the sheep are a perfect name
for gods flock... dumb ignorant animals that follow their religious
 leader blindly... for no other REASON than faith...

Does no one have faith in science ? Or does everyone all of a sudden have the capacity to look into theory and agree with some hot shot on something they themselves would have never thought of ?

Some of those who think they are on the same level as a pioneer of astro physics, are also sheep. They develop this ego in such a way, a bunch of people who place faith in other areas would hurt them if they were proven correct. I see you as ignorant, muppet. 




- Science suggests the creation of the universe happened from a spark they cannot explain. Though it violates science's own laws of thermal dynamics, for once, science suggests something came from nothing. The sheeple nod away at it, and go as far as to argue it.

- Science is still working on black hole theory, today Stephen Hawking himself is still working on this, on his new supercomputer comprised of the Phi Processors. ( On a side note, intels Phi processors are named after the Golden Ratio, while Stephen Hawking is doing intense golden ratio, I mean, Phi calculations to better understand his own theories, which are also based on Phi. ) It's amazing how we cannot fully explain black holes yet, but the big bang theory is solid.




If there is no consciousness behind creation. How does evolution manage to connect the dots ? Because sound exists, an unconsiousness evolution gave all animate creatures ears ?

Because there is light, some uncounscious evolution gave us eyes ? Especially in an environment where the gas we breath is invisible ?

It's funny to assume people will know things do not continue to fall into place, but believe shit like that.

Aside from existing, even more comes from so called nothing, as we have emotions, and provide meaning to things. To "discover" secrets through our colaborative imaginations, and call it invention ?

All this complex code embeded in the DNA that enables us to benefit from the environment is also an accident ? 

The golden section is found in ALL living things, multiple times over, even in the forces of nature including gravity. Even Stephen Hawking suggests this same math happening like this is staggering.

I can't help but to think, the most ignorant of these debates come from the die hard scientific community. It really is foolish to believe that this is all a roll of the dice, granted we have countless species here. Even the amino acid has a design, why would some unconscious force assemble that from something that came from nothing.

In short, the big bang theory in itself is God like. The one thing that seperates science from spirituality, is the ignoring the evidence of a consciousness behind all these things, and calling it a random accident. At the same time, science might argue random does not exist, as that is also one of science's beliefs.

The professional scientist must go with the flow, or get fired. This is the truth. Darwins theory will be around for awhile, because the brightest minds behind science, and those who say what is, can't afford the underlings to take the wheel and disprove them, as we see it happening over and over again, as some experts themelves make a bold move which may jepoperdize their credentials as a scientist, and go with their own conclusion which by experiment, makes real sense. This is proof of false claim.

When that happens, those who placed their faith in science for arguments sake, like we see here, have less material to argue. For they too are sheep, and are ready to cling onto a new theory in order to seperate themselves from others, who they deem inferior, to defend their ego. 


Posts: 446
any theories on what consciousness is?


Posts: 446
any theories on what consciousness is?


You guys are a bit slow... so I'm just going to use pictures pertainent to the situation.


Your fallacy:


My fallacy:

 You can fix ignorance... but you can't fix stupid...


Posts: 2216
any theories on what consciousness is?

As I suggested, when you have less material to argue, you seek out some new theory. But in this case, you haven't one, so you turn to the truth behind your way of being. By all means, continue to empower my words.




The divided concepts behind spirituality and religion. One is live and die, the other is rebirth and live forever. Regardless of belief, by concept alone, it's easy to recognize which ideology is more pleasing.

The codes that make up life is too complex, too brilliant to be an accident. If the scientist tells you a prime creator is real. Will you be lost ? Unless you defeat yourself, of course you will be.

Posts: 2876
any theories on what consciousness is?

sing it, god!

Posts: 2216
any theories on what consciousness is?

Live and learn.

Posts: 249
any theories on what consciousness is?

You can think of something better than that.

What do you think of things like astral projection space man?

Posts: 1892
any theories on what consciousness is?

Faith... Faith in science.  Good point Tony.  I have knowledge in math.  Math has proofs.  I know a square has four right angles and all right angles are 90degrees.  Math supports science.  Science may even give credence to an intelligent designer.  Where did this designer come from?  At some point it becomes exhausting, tiresome, and at times even frustrating.  When people give into faith, let go and believe... Well, it's not religion that is he opiate of the masses... It's their faith that deludes them to the point where they can be manipulated by those who don't see things quite the way everybody else does.

EVERYONE!  Quick!  Believe in everything, please;-]

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