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any theories on what consciousness is?

i wouldn't believe this was true if it came from anyone but you.

Posts: 2216
any theories on what consciousness is?

I think it's something people shouldn't practice, and if it's to happen, better to let it happen naturally. Learning some lessons without being intuitive might devalue the quality of spiritual growth.

Never always thought about it like that. I've been changing my spiritual views quite a bit in the past few weeks, but amazingly, I feel more comforted than confused as I am convinced I understand the plan much better than before.

It sounds concieted, but I have a slight worry about thinking I might know too much. I feel more inclined to open my heart these days, even to you. I want to be able to love unconditionally. I always challenged myself to do that, but I strive for this even more, and it seems to happen more often. It's actually less painful to always be in a loving state. When hurt by love, this is not really love, but rather the dissapointed ego. To carry on loving, even someone who figuratively did you wrong signals what might be described as emotional invincibility, but happy and content while you're at it, which is best.

I can imagine it sounds delusional, and even more so when I say, I can see things more in depth. I can see the error in what we do to one another in this forum. I'm gradually releasing any desire to win, all that does is obstruct the opponent from stepping away from their safety zone and looking into the other opponents point of view.

Posts: 1892
any theories on what consciousness is?

Again, very good...

it bogles my mind the logic used to explain freewill, god, and satan.  God creates all to include satan.  Has power over all, nothing happens that is not within gods will.  Satan does bad, but gods not bad.  Gods "plan" is to give you free will...

Believers,  don't try to explain this to me.  Theologians who studied their whole lives have tried to "explain" this.  I'm not deluded enough to get it.  And never will be.  It does... Not... Make... Logical... Sense.  And that's why you call it... God.

Posts: 504
any theories on what consciousness is?

Believe in everything or believe in nothing. Or both. But nothing inbetween. Or everything inbetween.

Posts: 1892
any theories on what consciousness is?


Posts: 2216
any theories on what consciousness is?

Faith... Faith in science.  Good point Tony.  I have knowledge in
math.  Math has proofs.  I know a square has four right angles and all
right angles are 90degrees.  Math supports science.  Science may even
give credence to an intelligent designer.  Where did this designer come
from?  At some point it becomes exhausting, tiresome, and at times even

Open minded Tommy.

Where did the designer come from. I asked myself that before, maybe the answer would be so mindblowing, we'd blow up. Maybe God knows the center of infinity while surrounded by infinity in every direction. It's been said, God itself had no begining.


When people give into faith, let go and believe... Well,
it's not religion that is he opiate of the masses... It's their faith
that deludes them to the point where they can be manipulated by those
who don't see things quite the way everybody else does.EVERYONE!  Quick!  Believe in everything, please;-]

I too find it distasteful when people just believe things that are unproven to them. I myself am guilty of this, as I was born Catholic and went to Catholic school. It's the sheep zone. After slipping away from Religion for some time, I detached myself from it when I was in my early 20's. While going through a period of fear and WTF is going on, after detaching myself from this belief, I never quite let go of the Concept of God, but rather, I came to terms with the idea that I have no real way of knowing if it is real or not. Now that I think about it, I can't recall a single day I never thought about God, is this just me ? And it's not that I'm trying either, it's just there.

After tremendous research, Bible study, Alien shit, human relations, Math, science, design, disowing adopted beliefs, confusion, life stories, hoaxes, religions, human relations and emotions, sacred geometry, things that function and all these things being in the bible, the bullshit that's happening with us, and the world. I have concluded the prime creator is as real as these things.

As for sheephood. I'm still convinced God would rather us walk the walk and learn from our mistakes without knowing for sure, learn for ourselves. My late studies suggest to me that God's love really is unconditional.

My late studies also suggest, God would allow us to fall into eternal flames, but here's the trick people don't recognize. Religion, or mans word suggests we will burn for eternity, Nowhere does it state in the bible that we will burn for all eternity, but rather we could end up there. But what it is, is a purification.

It's a known idea to be mindful of the company we keep, blah blah blah. I'll respond to your previous post as well.

Posts: 1892
any theories on what consciousness is?

Hmmm... I've talked about "faces in the clouds".  I sometimes think all your searching may have left you even more confused with a desperation to put ALL the pieces together.  This may have you forcing square pegs into round holes and making yourself believe the face you see in the cloud is no longer a cloud but in reality Abe Lincoln himself...

we want SO bad this to not be for nothing, we will swallow anything and everything, and create the faces we want.  At th end of the day it is still just a bunch of moisture in the air getting ready to fall on your head.  It's not Abe at all...

Posts: 2216
any theories on what consciousness is?

it bogles my mind the logic used to explain freewill, god, and satan.
 God creates all to include satan.  Has power over all, nothing happens
that is not within gods will.  Satan does bad, but gods not bad.  Gods
"plan" is to give you free will...

God gave us free will. This is good no ?

I don't know if there was a tree of life, it could have been something else. God is all knowing, and I'm sure he knew Satan was seducing eve to eat the damn apple. Free will was in effect, God would have been a hypocrite if he intervened and stopped Adam and Even from eating the forbidden fruit of knowledge.

Supposidly that brought on the knowledge of pain and suffering. It sounds borring and lame, but a lot of the things we enjoy today, is making us drift further away from being home free. ALL of the seven sins have a tradgic ending, and I'd debate anyone of them as to why. The soul becomes addicted to the flesh blinding us from the real goods.



Posts: 1953
any theories on what consciousness is?

Whatever.  It's cool.

Posts: 446
any theories on what consciousness is?

...Wouldn't believe what exactly?

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