about what I figured so, context plz
I was asking what about your thoughts didn't change during this topic..?
My thoughts on 'Or do you figure I'm being inauthentic or something?'
even if you care so much and shit, i still think ur mostly hating on spatial just to be an ass and try to make him out a villain.
So you're just going to ignore when I was hating on other people over similar criteria?
I might. It depends on my mood. When I engage, someone always wants me to explain after that, so I have to be in the mood to deal with it. It helps that I like spatial, so it gives more motivation. I care little and have even less time. It's not like the old days on SC where I had all the time in the world and was intentionally engaging, as the old SC served a purpose in my life.
Can someone not hate on someone for who they are, and find themselves hating on some more than others as a result? I don't see much about the guy that's worth defending honestly, and with more time he just digs the hole deeper.
Yeah, you dislike spatial and use this situation to your advantage. It is not OK, many things on SC are not OK, but this just happened to annoy me enough.
You show what seems like fake outrage and you didnt have the same issues with meds topic about it.
its annoying
It's not fake, this is one of the deeper subjects life has to offer, and it shouldn't be trivialized unless in the form of dark humor or something.
It's only when someone was otherwise shitting on a suicidal person before being suicidal themselves that I'm more like "good riddance", otherwise it's in an entirely different ballpark.