and while you claimed she wasn't civil- neither has he been civil with her taking any open opportunity to attack her (when she's tried being casually friendly) but the reporting of glitches had nothing really to do with that and he should be able to separate the two instead of just trying to find a way to antagonize her as well
My point here has been in relation to an under-reporting of actual website symptoms in her complaints in relation to their context.
If she'd say the symptoms more often she'd be more likely to get more serious replies from Meta, like how the typing speed discussion for chat filters went as a comparison.This one instance of her not listing exactly what was the issue has you saying: more often
Do you think this topic is the only time she's been vague about problems with the website?
/boots up advanced search
But you and I both know she has in the past stated what the issues were, and like I said if it wasn't working for her she just left in frustration of the site not working this once
From what I've seen she's reported a 400 error and there was the typing discussion early on, otherwise it's been her yapping on and on about the forum being dysfunctional through a series of new topics, even on the rival platform, with around half of the time having it being directed towards Spatial instead of Meta.
Sure he has no reason for it but let's not forget she has tried to be civil and offered to bury the hatchet
Offering to stop former animosity doesn't just resolve all blame like some giant "Sorry" spell being cast, the other party in these cases is entitled to their feelings.
Diplomacy happens from catering to both sides, not just throwing out an offer and acting like the other person's immediately the bad guy for turning it down. There has to be some reason why she deserves to be forgiven, otherwise it's just some weird whim of the moment or something.It doesn't take away that she's open to it and has been open to discussing the events to get better understanding.
Her sense of character takes away from it far more than what the gesture serves to add.
She's attempted to have actual conversation but the fact is that he's biased towards her and it it shows even as an admin issue
Her reporting actual symptoms is when the talks have gone the most smoothly.
and like I said instead of asking her what the glitch was he just went in and called her a liar and afterwards others listed their own issues and glitches or bugs. It's what prompted her to ask why peach wasn't a liar and even then he still took her having an issue with the site as an attack
Consider how she's framing herself and I can see how he'd not be taking her seriously without further elaboration.
I don't think we're going to see eye to eye here as I really didn't find the title of that thread to be trolling
You really don't see her trying to stir the pot, or are you merely turning a blind eye?
Well she does say "at the moment" in that post meaning it was clearly working for her before she states it's super slow which again she's said chat can get slow, she's mentioned symptoms other times as well as her being timed out for typing too fast in chat- so I dunno about you but I don't think the post was meant to instigate an argument or put him down, it was simply a frustrated post about inability to use the site.
Come on now, you're clearly reaching here.
You figure she just went to Luna's site just to news report about a happenstance? She's alluded to multiple reasons as to why she'd prefer people be at Luna's website before functionality was even her focus.
There's been clear agendas attached to her behaviors, even if there's real glitches alongside them.I think you're trying to see agendas where there aren't and as someone that takes wording important- I don't think it's reaching because she says "at the moment", she's been having issues here since her first day ever since the no chat For new users unless approved thing can into play. And like I said, wording: plus I heard primal was here! Where is my precious?
You really don't see Sugar stirring the pot?
If he doesn't want to be civil that's fine, he doesn't have to but there's no way you can say she hasn't been and still defend that he has
I'd argue that, with her deplorable behavior, that she doesn't really deserve civility that he doesn't feel like granting beyond arguable ranges of the bare minimum.
Like I said, she has been civil towards him
I'll need more than what I've seen to believe it, and even with cherry picked examples we still have sheer ratios to consider.
I think as an admin he should be less eager to attack when an issue is brought up.
I agree, but again, she could have actually reported symptoms instead of just keeping it up in ways that would resemble her stank strikes.