what I'm saying is, factitious disorder (lol) or not, (which I don't have lol), the trauma is real, the dissociative experiences I've described having were real, the ptsd diagnosis and extensive treatment for it is real.
Do you suspect that someone with a fictitious disorder would assume any differently?
You use the means of Youtube videos confirming your views about yourself as how to both justify your situation and follow an emotionally masochistic outlet. You aren't going to find any further understanding about these disorders, they're just reinforcing your scripts.
Well, to be fair I also researched about the neuropsychology of the lateralization of brain function explaining how it was related to symptoms of dissociation, even DID, and a result of trauma and other causes.
I posted the video on my YouTube channel but I've since privated it. I read other information as well, I just keep a log of the YouTube videos I *liked* the way they explained things so that it can be *explained* to other people who are less knowledgable about the disorders and their correlative symptoms which I am talking about. So they can understand what the fuck I am talking about what I am experiencing. So they can understand me. Where this is all coming from, and to see, this isn't just me. That experiences these things. That it's, a real thing.
But yeah uh... just because this is where I post a log of videos I liked, doesn't mean it's my only source of information and research. And just because I have a thread about this topic doesn't mean this is my main concern in life that I occupy most of my time with, or that it's even on my mind frequently.
It's not the center of my life. When I journal, I am making time for me to focus on my mental health, to decompress, destress, etc. It's a me time thing, which takes up usually thirty minutes to an hour a day. I used to do it in the mornings when in school but, lately I've been doing it in the evenings. It's an enjoyable thing for me, I write, I have my coffee. I get inspired. I get my brain churning. I am *creating* something, I am *expressing* something. It's, a positive thing for me. It helps.
But then I close the laptop, log out of the iMac. Lock the iPhone. etc, and go on my merry way about life, concerning and preoccupying myself with, the rest of life.