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0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face


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 once again peach pops up out of nowhere and saying something 100% on point while she does it

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Posts: 499
0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face

Since I'm kind of into nutrition I can't resist making one more post before I'm out:

Jada said: 

You're fasting too? Good.

Most I've gone without food is approx 2 weeks. 3 weeks if you count crumbs and small things. It's very good for your willpower. I've also been in ketosis for a year.

If you want to be in Ketosis for a year, you'll have to do something like eating once a day for two years, the meal will have to be ultra low carb or else the Ketosis will not trigger for at least 4 days. The Ketosis will start after 12 hours of not eating, and stop when you do eat more than 50 grams of carbs which is basically a snack.

Seems you're well read. Yes, I eat less than 20g net carbs per day. For me, tomatoes now taste like candy, because they're so loaded with sugar. They're stronger than how oreos and Nutella used to taste like for me.

I eat vegetables, which are mostly fiber, no rice, bread, and Def. Not candy. No red meat or low carbcheese these days either. For berries, I eat 3-4 berries per day, I count them. I eat 2 table spoons of low carbohydrate nuts, like Macadamia, Pecans, Brazil nuts, Walnuts, and hazelnuts, with around 3:1 ratio in favor of macadamia, pecans, Brazil nuts. I put them all into food processor and measure them before I put them in food, and I never exceed 2 table spoons.

And then I eat shit ton of salmon, chicken, turkey, oysters, clam, crabs, different kinds of shrimps, tuna, random fish, and some protein powder on gym days, and sometimes I put some random shit that I recognize as probably seafood in there but i dont know what it is. And I put those meats to food processor too, and vroom vroom, off they go with different random low sugar, non starchy vegetables, olive oil. Oh and then some low percentage of fungi is there too.

To avoid protein overload, I put quite a lot of olive oil into food, and the nuts give some fat as well.

The net carbs I get per day is less than or approximately equivalent to 20g, fiber is not counted into the net. My wife calls what I eat pig food and refuses to eat it, but personally I think it tastes great.


That or you'd have to not eat for 12 months in order to be in Ketosis for 12 months straight 

So much as a broth can cancel ketosis. I don't see how you'd pull off being in Ketosis for a year. 

The above is how. There have been maybe 2 or 3 days when I wasnt in ketosis, but it's very rare. I don't deviate even during celebrations or special occasions.


But 40 days? Wtf don't do 40 days, that's not healthy.

 Going for 30 days, but If I want more, I'll do the 40 days. The extra 10 days makes a big difference. 

Today is day 8. The guy who got me into this just quit. He says he has headaches and feels nauseous. I feel the same as I did on day 1 so I'll keep going. It's been said most people don't make it past day 15.

Yesterday I also went the day without drinking any water until late.

You must have a very low insulin response. That's good. I get headaches after 5 days or so, I think I have issues with my insulin. I do fasting every Saturday, and occasionally Sunday. I can't do more than 2 days regularly though because my job performance suffers if I do fasting during weekdays. The first 2 days is usually fine but then when I'm hitting a low at work, I start to hate what I'm doing and I get grumpy with the people who work for me and it's not really fair to them.


I've been watching a lot of food porn. Some guy on a wok making all kinds of asian dishes. BBQ videos. I watched people soup up instant ramen noodles, which are really bad for you, but theirs looks really awesome. 

So far for me this experience has easy. Yes I'd love to eat something, no arguing that.

Damn you really want to torture yourself don't you?

last edit on 11/6/2024 12:28:12 PM
Posts: 33607
0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face
Delora said: 

once again peach pops up out of nowhere and saying something 100% on point while she does it

It's from 2019. 

Read the dates. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/6/2024 12:36:41 PM
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face
Delora said: 

once again peach pops up out of nowhere and saying something 100% on point while she does it

It's from 2019. 

Read the dates. 

 to be fair, i was drunk as hell last night

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Posts: 832
0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face

Day 13, pure water.

At least pure water for the past few days, I haven't been taking the liquid supplement.

I feel slightly dizzy. No hunger, just food cravings. Food looks really good, I can't stop watching it. I can't wait till this is over and I start eating broth and watermelon.

Few months ago I did some heavy lifting and for awhile after that I was suffering some arthritic pain in my shoulders. Like in the sockets if I did a T shape with my arms. Lifting them was painful. Now the pain is almost gone.

I suffer from chronic stomach aches, though I never experienced it once for some time now, I think it won't happen again. 

Fasting is known to prevent various diseases including heart disease and cancer as the body gets rid of toxins that have been caught in stored fat. 

Aside from the desire to eat, I feel better than before.  

EDIT: This Friday is Jake Paul Vs. Mike Tyson. Would've had a feast. 

last edit on 11/10/2024 10:52:38 PM
Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face

i think i seen dana white talking about this. would pull up him talking about it, other than that you've probably already seen it. limited time at the library + tired. i think there is some chicken broth use involved to supplement as needed. well, you've already done your research. let me know how it went

Posts: 33607
0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face

Just make sure if you're fasting to not destroy your metabolism in the process, all that weight lost can come back in force if it's not handled carefully. I've seen it enough times when poorly handled by people on speed, and ex-anorexics who suddenly were packing on every pound during rehab.

Digestion is like exercising a muscle, and from when I "fasted" during a suicidal bender years back it was a bitch to get it moving again. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 832
0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face

i think i seen dana white talking about this. would pull up him talking about it, other than that you've probably already seen it. limited time at the library + tired. i think there is some chicken broth use involved to supplement as needed. well, you've already done your research. let me know how it went

 I see the Dana White thing there. One 86 hours and another headline he did 7 days with bone broth.

It's now day 15/30 for me. This is the point where most people give up.

The arthritic pain I've been experiencing in both shoulders is complely gone. I've been experiencing this off snd on blurr with my vision and I just noticed I don't recall that happening since, actually I don't remember it's been awhile though. Maybe since day 2 i imagine.

On day 27 I'll start with the broth and watermelon before refeeding, or else I could die. I'll do that for 3 days, then maybe have some grapes. Some fish or eggs. 

I'm still watching food porn. I have a better understanding on how we're addicted to eating, we're not supposed to eat as much as we do, it's just good for business.

I think I'm a master chef now. I memorized almost everything I saw. ( Food shorts are better than watching a 20 minute cooking show ) Fasting improves cognitive function.

I want to eat pretty badly but it's not hunger. Food is a great pleasure we've taken for granted, it's actually better than sex. The ketosis prevents hunger as the system has no need for it. The ketones is said to be a superior source of energy. 

I image you're very skinny and don't eat much Trypt, maybe you go past 12 hours without food, which means your body does have time to repair itself, and maybe that's why you're still alive. I hope you're more sober.

The health experts frown at this, that's cause it fucks with their business. They say it causes rapid weight gain, and I don't doubt my body will store it. Just means I'll have to train.

Carnivore diet is next, though I'll probably start with 80% carnivore diet.

Run to Costco, get a $130 beef brisket, and cut it to multiple steaks. Pick up a $56 tube of ground beef as well. 

I'm honestly fantasizing about what I'm going to eat. All I've been tasting is toothpaste and listerine, I think eating is going to be an intense emotional experience.

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face

i’m an ectomorph + grew up poor, so yes always been skinny. altho like you said, food becomes an addiction. so there is a belly starting to grow.

i would say be careful when you get blurred vision. neurological effects can be serious. don’t be a purist; you can always redo this experiment. if you gave up now or “cheated” a bit with some broth, i don’t think that’s a bad thing. the blurred vision concerns me a bit. i respect the resolve though, even watching food videos lol

carnivore diet should be interesting for you. i always been 80-90% meat my whole life. i get sick maybe one day a year. i think a lot of it comes down to genetics though. like if there was a dairy diet, i would die from lactose intolerance. our bodies handle shit differently. that gets into looking at biomarkers. figuring out what gives u energy and if u fear cancer from red meat (though you can always just eat more chicken, fish, etc. i would even be eating crickets, maybe i can find some out here).

indians initially avoided red meat because of the fatiguing effect; i think that played into how the cow worship started. and i think there is something to how too much of something that fatigues you initially is bad. i know jordan peterson is on that beef diet but he must be sparing with it or something.

ya 15 days fasting is crazy, especially considering i doubt ur body ever been thru something like this. i would be a shitty person if i didnt suggest u at least get some other nutrients during blurred vision. that’s pretty wild lol

Posts: 33607
1 votes RE: Fasting makes you lose so much weight in your face

i’m an ectomorph + grew up poor, so yes always been skinny. altho like you said, food becomes an addiction. so there is a belly starting to grow.

i would say be careful when you get blurred vision. neurological effects can be serious. don’t be a purist; you can always redo this experiment. if you gave up now or “cheated” a bit with some broth, i don’t think that’s a bad thing. the blurred vision concerns me a bit. i respect the resolve though, even watching food videos lol

Yeah... it's easy to forget it's about health in favor of seeing it like facing some challenge, and the latter is how people end up hurting themselves. When I was doing it as a form of self-harm I was only letting myself consume bits of chipped ice to hide my dehydration from my peers while I let my body slowly die. 

Retraining the body how to digest food again though can be pretty disturbing. When I'd done my suicidal fasting I could no longer keep food down, having to use Milkshakes and stuff to fix the problem with time and persistence. Even going to the bathroom for a while was a different experience, a highly uncomfortable one with some really scary digestion issues and irritable bowels while always feeling like I was going to hurl. 

Exercise can also help get the metabolism rolling again once enough food's in the body to burn as energy, and not before. Having tried fasting and exercising at the same time... I do not recommend it. 🤢

carnivore diet should be interesting for you. i always been 80-90% meat my whole life. i get sick maybe one day a year.

Based on your diet and lifestyle, I'd attribute how often you aren't appearing sick to a reduced immune system. 

People can be sick while displaying no obviously overt symptoms, when you consider how times spent sick is when the body is fighting back rather than the fault of the sickness itself solely. 

ya 15 days fasting is crazy, especially considering i doubt ur body ever been thru something like this. i would be a shitty person if i didnt suggest u at least get some other nutrients during blurred vision. that’s pretty wild lol

Blurred vision is definitely a warning sign, the body at that point's digesting all it's leftover reserves as the body becomes a husk. 

I mostly see people try to fast over how it gives a mild high, but it more often than not ends up doing bodily harm. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 11/13/2024 7:51:23 PM
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