There are a few glitches but mostly positive.
I seem to go numb very easily. My hands were all pins and needles and it stuck like that for awhile.
I found out I get an adverse reaction to this bar of soap I've been using. Kinda irrates my skin, but I also noticed the irratation had a tingling feeling. It was healing, and I was able to feel it, and today the irratation is gone.
Fasting causes the body to go into high alert mode and it works harder to keep us alive. I'm dead serious when i say I can feel the tingling sensation of being repaired.
If I don't get enough rest I'll start to feel these unpleasant stabbing sensations which isn't very calming, yet it forces me to recline or curl up before passing out. When I wake up everything checks out and I'm good to go. I can do whatever I want but the body has a way of making demands.
Strength has returned it seems. I did some labourous tasks yesterday without any exhaustion.
I boast when I say I don't do new years resolutions, my new routine already started.