It's hard for me to do it quick and painless, because I feel the euphoria by inflicting pain and watching it suffer, as well as having control over it's life and what looks like fear, especially with mice.
This finally comes full circle now. Your zeal on pedophile death and about culling the degenerates of society is just some excuse to indulge in a temptation of your own. Stop validating that zeal by justifying your disdain for those people. You're only enabling yourself while also acting like you're not cut from a similar cloth.
I don't consider my zeal as an excuse for me to harm pedophiles and those I see as subhuman. Is it nice to fantasize about killing them? Of course, but I firmly believe that even if I didn't have this temptation or urge, that my stance would still be the same, and that the fate of a pedophile should be forced labor or death. The only instance where this is an exception is if a pedophile turns themselves in to be monitored. Even if I don't believe that rehabilitation exists for them. My stance on pedophiles does not ignore the fact that these creatures came from a background of abuse and oppression. Regardless of the pain they received, they are nonetheless a problem to society.
I don't consider myself cut from a similar cloth. I have some sense of a moral code. Regardless if they claim to have moral code, what they do is predatory and depraved. I'm aware morality is something that is subjective, but regardless my morality, I consider in line with the good and benefit of the masses and society.
All I want is the ability to keep this in a controlled manner. So that I don't fuck up. I asked here, because I don't know where to ask. It seems that there is a belief that there are genuine fucked up people here, like ChallengeSeeker. Not to imply this is where the totally rad sociopaths hang out. Just that maybe some of you with things like drug addiction have similar ways of controlling temptations.
I wouldn't want to pull a Slayer and light up a golfcart and get caught. I already almost got caught in the past with what I did, and the only reason why I haven't done it in so long is because lack of opportunity, and I had ways of ignoring it. The fact that there's an opportunity right in front of me, is what is amplifying this temptation.