100% north koreans are better off than south koreans, doesn't mean it's "the best place to live" like one of the exploited places a western colonizer like you can can move to at their own novel whim. that must piss you off that north korea won't ever let your colonizer ass dick around there.
You fail again. With more hot air.
Oh yes, i'm a big time colonizer, just like the British used to be. One day I'll gleefully go to North Korea as I'm just dying to go and plant my flag to claim the land as my own. Brilliant Goon.
Choices are not even real because of determinism. Why would anyone want to become a doctor to be exploited by landlords or to be out-competed by government agencies that pay themselves?
Well Doctors are generally very wealthy and usually own their properties. Renting is also an option when you have money.
If there were no such thing as renting properties, a vast numbers of us would be driven out into the boonies and into the wild, especially these days.
Maybe people would actually want an overall better society, and for an actually better reward than what capitalism only pretends to give.
Yeah like free food, free shelter, free electricity. Everyone just pulls their weight. I'm not entirely opposed to that, however it's not realistic and it will lead to other foolery. As useless as you are, you would be punished in that environment and will be forced to live in a bootcamp environment. Little to no leisure time for you. Just government forcing your ass to hussle for the right to carry on living.
By our standards? What standards? Energy is falling apart as people like you want coal and oil to go on forever. Nuclear could have already replaced electricity production if not for capitalism that is modeled around oil and destruction.
Your assumption is once again, hot air.
People like me enjoy Hydro power, and I take pride in that. There are nuclear plants, but they aren't as green as you think, certainly not as green as hydro. Nuclear waste is an issue and it'll remain highly radioactive for thousands of years. They are also very dangerous, and prone to having a meltdown. We have one in the Greater Toronto Area but I personally aren't signed up for that. It's also well constructed and one of the best power plants in the world, still the hydro power is favorable. Probably even cheaper.
Also, once someone builds a railroad, what work is even left for them to do? There is no way to value that and if I built a rail it's for practical reasons, and capitalism is not a practical reason, it's just what coerces labor that eventually benefits the bourgeoisie and not the proletariat that builds for practical reasons.
Everything you own. Has been on a truck. Even that shelter you stay in, every brick, to everyone part and piece of it. The streetlights outside has been on a truck. If the trees were strategically planted, they've been on a truck too.
Maybe even it's been on a train, as freight trains are used to transport goods from sea ports to across the land.
Everything you eat has also been on a truck.
Take away the trucks and the train as we use them, and you'll starve and die while the world falls into chaos. People will try to eat one another eventually.
Capitalism has to punish efficiency and reward destruction and exploitation.
Ha ha ha.
I'm glad I don't have your concerns.
What does Capitalism exploit in you ? Or rather, is there even anything there to exploit ? I think not. You're very easy to figure out.
You still have your social assistance, is rent your problem ? You must be struggling and because you don't really make an effort and don't contribute to society, you want the government to bring everyone down to your level so maybe you can shine, and you'll find peace within your HPD.