I think TPG did a pretty good job summarizing this. Otherwise, it's been kind of entertaining seeing Whorechata and MissComm suffer from cognitive dissonance over TC's questioning.
Like I said, you called it out, I'm just pointing out that you failed to do that to the *other* emotional kid. If your thing is to shame inq about his use of emotional language and not legga it makes you seem a bit like a cunt with a particularly missc sized chip on your shoulder and using legga to have at them both. His whole schtick is that she's being mean without "knowing him" while he's not done anything in the way to get to know her either.
Which then makes my light teasing of her completely justified.
MissCommunication throws an emotional outburst at Legga for 20+ pages without knowing him. Legga then lightly teases MissCommunication about it for 2 posts, without knowing her. Former good, latter bad, because you.... don't respect me? Lol, okay.
He says in the way that she trash talks someone she doesn't know- but we all know legga- he just tends to hyper focus on Ed, inq and sensy, hyper focus enough that it leads to thoughts of paranoia where he assumes that anyone that agrees with with those he disagrees with must be an alt and/or completely fails to notice others properly. If this whole thread is leggas way of simply dismissing her entirely based on what people here can or cannot put into words then I guess tc is helping along with that, instead of having an actual conversation with the person.
It is impossible for me to make observations of MissCommunication because I have never talked with her, but not only is it possible for you to make observations of me, you *know* me. You've literally never talked with me. Way to practice double standards.
When MissCommunication throws an emotional outburst at me for 20+ pages for Inquirer whilst everyone ignores her, it's fine because she's a cheerful angel, but then I can't lightly tease her about it in this topic, because I'm Legga.
and I'm currently focusing on you, not really legga. I stopped focusing on legga a bit ago because he's got nothing more to offer other than "tell me why I should even try to get to know her" he's not even worth focusing on tbh
No, I never said that. Actually, I said `I will get to know her,` but thus far she hasn't wanted to get to know me. No wonder you have such negative opinions of me, it's because it's all make-believe for you and you don't actually read what I say.
Does someone else have to host the exact same topic for it to mean something to you, or would it remain incorrect simply because Legga hosted the query first? If Legga said gravity was real, would you just assume you could fly by merrit of how much Legga is not to be trusted?
It's because she doesn't actually listen to what I say now, or what I've said in the past. It's all make-believe.
I am literally the stupidest fuck in this forum.
We shouldn't listen to Legga's arguments because of his credentials, basically ad-hominem and reputation heuristics. However, if we go by credentials (which I'm not proposing because I find it arrogant, but you are): You've admitted that you're literally the stupidest person on this forum, while I have a PhD and a faculty position in academia. How do you justify that people should listen to you over me, in your own world-view? You're literally the dumbest person on this forum, even by your own admission.
Legga. Inq will never admit to learning anything from you, hence your endless debates. If you want to beat Inq you have to point out how many questions he asks. He asks a lot of them. Also never let him derail the subject.
SpatialMind is absolutely right; I have become aware of this. He lost the debate, he refused to admit defeat. He challenged me to a `chat duel`, agreed for an impartial judge to settle the winner, after which I was declared the winner. Not only did he refuse to admit defeat even then, he also refused to make a concession speech (explaining why I was right) and refused to supply what we discussed the winner should get.
Now he's warped the whole thing into this fantasy where he was owning me in the debate, everyone was mocking me, and this is why I'm now frustrated about my loss and want to get back at him with insults. I was already declared the winner by an impartial moderator, Inquirer; make the concession speech and give me what you agreed to give me.
This is basically my perspective as well. I was talking to inq about this last night. People who have no life, goals or ability desperately fitter away their days trying to win e-clout and make themselves feel like their empty lives matter while the rest of us just make money, live and thrive, and come here for the lulz and to enjoy the people we like. Who is winning?
Uh, Inquirer used one year of his life to debate whether he made a debating mistake or not, and he still wants round two. He's so above the whole e-clout thing.
You're also so above the whole e-clout thing, posting under `Transcoat.`
A lot of the members here who attempt to be tuff bad bitches are seeing how much influence miss chan is gaining just by being sweet and collaborative and while they are clearly desperate for approval and being liked (yet are hungry for drama and want to fight on some BPD bs) and are collectively lashing out against her. It's like the fat chicks in high school who act cocky and aggressive to compensate who are surprised everyone's gravitating around the skinny nice shy girl and want to beat her up.
You can't be constantly starting arguments with everyone and being combative and beg for popularity and love at the same time,and lashing out at someone for being more e-popular than you? Time to rope. Either be a lone wolf and stay on your own feet or be the puppy you really are inside and beg for love, you can't do both and lash out at someone who's getting the love though.
For example, the majority of people I met here have no hobbies that are non-conductive to material or social gains. Their days are spent arguing on the internet and creating squabbles to scratch that emptiness itch where I think there should have been a pursuit like learning or doing something that makes them happy and is also creative in some form. Even the most autistic things like collecting rocks set a person aside in my eyes as it's coming from the id rather than ego dare I say (and I feel like a faggot saying that). Instead the pursuits of the majority of people are social games and drama, in an eternal chase for narc supply to not fall into emptiness.
This is actually surprisingly deep.