Did MissC show any depth in this thread?
Did she show any personality?
Did MissC show any depth in this thread?
Did she show any personality?
She showed some personality by claiming to be mature and above the SC rabble, not caring about politics, and then shortly after getting exposed as `Transcoat`, who was going full berserk on Turncoat on a really personal level.
Whorechatta said:You made a statement about her, most people disagreed, you doubled down- tc (who does not like her) tries to egg you on. No one is saying you can't do these things- this is just the outcome.
Excuse me?
Seriously, read the Inq vs Legga debate. If anything I've been inspired into action through what went down, not the other way around.
I'm with Legga on this one, you're literally playing make believe to support character narratives you have preconceived in your head. You don't even use proof anymore.
I know you through Sensy and primal as well, i know you through Fae
At least two of those are absolutely awful examples.
QuietBeef said:I'm confused as to how you see it as the same thing.
She seems to be trying to smoosh multiple sets of people together thematically in this topic as is, even down to Inq and Legga being equally justified over emotional reasoning (while otherwise only going after Legga).
This is pretty pathetic. Did it hurt you this much to get teased by MissC and others during the debate? Is that why you refuse to do part 2?
Apart from whining about the debate there's very little substance in anything you say. It's just a lazy, baseless tirade. I do find it funny to see you call other people "dreary trolls" and that they "nauseatingly mirror and echo other people" though. Is it too presumptuous of me to assume this is not meant as self irony?
Inquirer to the rescue, as usual. Why is it that you think MissComm is incapable of defending herself?
Why do you dislike inquirer defending her? They've been friends for a long time, is that not a normal response for a friend to have?
That depends on context. She's not the only person here that he's ever been friends with, but she is the only person he defends like this, which begs some questions. And he does it with such a consistency that I'd question it coming from anyone. He shows up pretty much any time someone criticizes her, and his standard response is "you just don't know her" or "she's not taking this seriously, but if she was...", which I think is telling for as much as it's a non-answer. This thread was a barrage of praise for her with pretty much just Legga criticizing her, but he still felt compelled to intervene. A similar example was when Alice wrote a post that was largely praise of MissComm, with only one minor addendum that she "doesn't contribute much to debate", and Inq showed up after about a month of complete absence just to say (paraphrasing) "you don't really know her and if she was taking it seriously she could debate you", and then he disappeared again for weeks. Obviously it's not concrete, but to me this paints a certain picture, especially in conjunction with the fact that he doesn't defend any of his other friends at all, even when it's opportune. It's not in his nature to do so.
This could mean a number of things, but it falls pretty neatly into how I already viewed their dynamic from the peripheral experience of having been friends with Inq through all of it. In general, he's a person who feels compelled to cater to highly emotional people, particularly those who are immature or otherwise can't handle themselves in some way, and is intensified by their entitlement. He's been socially conditioned to respond to that sort of thing, the more overtly emotional and self-absorbed another person is, the more he compulsively panders to them to avoid stress. I've seen this behavior from him in multiple ways, not even just MissComm. And since I'd say that overemotionalism, immaturity, and a sense of entitlement in her feelings are defining characteristics of her, it makes perfect sense to me that her sensitivities are a sort of trigger for him. I've also seen this dynamic between them play out off SC a number of times too, it's become pretty old hat. Her attitude is very demanding of his support and he has a very hard time saying no and letting her stand on her own two feet. Frankly, I think their dynamic is toxic. And as his friend, yes, it absolutely does bother me that it is.
This is rich. This storyline is filled with so much projection it’s a psychological minefield. You of all people accusing others of needing a defender is highly amusing – especially considering how you’ve been hiding on puppets for four years and depending on others to baby you and keep your secret. You’d still be hiding if I hadn’t blown your gig.
It’s also laughable how bothered you are by Inq occasionally commenting on things related to me. This is especially hilarious considering how notorious you and TC were for defending one another in every thread where there was a shred of criticism towards you on Luna’s SC. Ed and Sugar used to mock the sh*t out of you for your codependency. And even now, the two of you still run around winging each other. When Inq made a random comment clarifying a post I made a month ago you and TC came out in unison like rabid frothing chihuahuas barking at me from thread to thread. Did you need to team up for confidence? You were still hiding on your puppet at that point too.
It's laughably hypocritical to suggest I’m the one who can't stand on my own feet while you have been hiding and taking shots undercover for so long. I understand that me even mentioning your name in chat to TC (twice) triggered you into a breakdown. lol
And, as for this narrative you're spinning that Inq constantly defends me, it seems this perception of yours is coming from your own insecurities and a twisted need to control people. You’ve obviously been keeping an eye on this for quite some time. It's rather telling that the Alice example you provided is from years ago. Obsessed much? Or do you have anything more recent? (Weird. ~ )
The truth is, Inq rarely defends me and I don’t expect him too but when some random refers to me as Inq's whore, it's not unreasonable that he clarify. I rarely post much anymore but you can look through the threads where your boyfriend and I have sparred and I don’t believe you'll find Inq winging anywhere. Even in the supposed "20 pages" I posted in the Legga debate thread, I don’t believe Inq commented on any of my posts.
Considering this OP was a smear involving Inq, it’s also hardly unreasonable or unexpected for him to respond. At this point, the only reason for him not to respond to anything related to me is because it makes you and TC’s collective head explode and you create drama, which neither he or I like. That’s a quite manipulative strategy.
As for how you perceive “our dynamic” save me your shallow pop-psychology or at least try to be original. The truth is, Inq and I have been close friends for a long time and we’ve never said a bad word about each other or had a single ounce of drama between us until you felt the need to create some.
You don't know me so don't pretend you do by trying to psychoanalyze me. I’ve literally talked to you once. That was when you were once again hiding on a puppet and d’ming people pretending to be me on Luna's SC. (Also weird~) At the time, I thought it was strange but I gave you a pass because I couldn't be assed to make it an issue of it and you were wasted. I do recall I was kind to you and I kept your secret because you seemed messed up. I enabled you too.
As a minor aside, I think that if he feels the need to arbitrarily validate her every time she's criticized, no matter how or why, he's just an enabler, stunting her from learning from her own behavior and the responses she gets to it.
Tell me something, were you learning from your behaviour and the responses you received from others when you fled SC in shame and hid for four years? You’re the one who has literally been enabled by the people who have coddled you while you hid like a coward and spun a sob story of harassment. The truth is you made a fool of yourself when you threatened to dox Sugar. And when you realized you were in over your head you ran away. You criticize me for being "nice" but I have formed relationships with people here I genuinely like and respect. I don't need to rip people apart to feel validated or powerful. While you managed to create a slew of problems for yourself. There's a learning opportunity here.
(Also noted you still refuse to explain the supposed horrible harassment from someone on SC having your dox - the dox that literally no one ever saw. It if was so horrible it's odd you're over it. What changed? It truthfully seems like just a cover for humiliation. Honestly, you should own it already.)
Did MissC show any depth in this thread?
Did she show any personality?
She showed some personality by claiming to be mature and above the SC rabble, not caring about politics, and then shortly after getting exposed as `Transcoat`, who was going full berserk on Turncoat on a really personal level.
lmao Spatial asked me a direct question about what caused the beef between TC to which I replied on the Transcoat account to show that was the issue. I guess you missed that. I made it obvious that was my account. TC accused me of being Transcoat via dm when this place first started. At that time, I made sure to make a copy account here to tease him. I think the substance of the post speaks for itself. I meant to make the following post on my main so I deleted it and reposted it on my main.
this is kind of insane. i think you just dont get along with brats
It's pure stupidity. I'm now out.