No Apple, wrong again. What an idiot.
I like her, we used to cyber sex a lot before she met Inquirer.
What's she into?
Did MissC show any depth in this thread?
Did she show any personality?
She showed some personality by claiming to be mature and above the SC rabble, not caring about politics, and then shortly after getting exposed as `Transcoat`, who was going full berserk on Turncoat on a really personal level.
lmao Spatial asked me a direct question about what caused the beef between TC to which I replied on the Transcoat account to show that was the issue.
I was on your case long before you used that puppet though. You've seemed dumb to me even before Edvard was mod, I was not hiding this fact even slightly and otherwise I had and have a menagerie of people I go after for the same reason.
Why can't you just accept that I don't like you because of how your mental faculties are insultingly low in spite of your bravado otherwise? What puts you above people like Med, because I don't see it?
I guess you missed that. I made it obvious that was my account.
You claimed it wasn't you when people questioned you over it before, and even had Inq support the lie (poorly).
I think the substance of the post speaks for itself.
It really does.
I meant to make the following post on my main so I deleted it and reposted it on my main.
this is kind of insane. i think you just dont get along with brats
It's pure stupidity. I'm now out.
Just because it's too complex for you to grasp doesn't mean it must be stupid, this is just compensatory projection.
Oh Alena, so impartial. Even when you accuse both sides of being "the same" you take a side.
this is kind of insane. i think you just dont get along with brats
It's pure stupidity. I'm now out.
Just because it's too complex for you to grasp doesn't mean it must be stupid, this is just compensatory projection.
Oh Alena, so impartial. Even when you accuse both sides of being "the same" you take a side.
don't try and guilt her out of expressing herself. the only weapon you ever have at your disposal is pity lmao.
This is rich. This storyline is filled with so much projection it’s a psychological minefield. You of all people accusing others of needing a defender is highly amusing – especially considering how you’ve been hiding on puppets for four years and depending on others to baby you and keep your secret. You’d still be hiding if I hadn’t blown your gig.
I'm pretty sure at least half of this forum knew it was her before you supposedly blew any lid off of anything.
It’s also laughable how bothered you are by Inq occasionally commenting on things related to me.
He's been backpeddling from defending your stupidity, I'd largely call it an improvement.
I'd be largely embarrassed if I was otherwise responsible over you like he seems to be, and at this point his one time charging in seems to only be directed against his Rival, Legga.
This is especially hilarious considering how notorious you and TC were for defending one another in every thread where there was a shred of criticism towards you on Luna’s SC.
On one hand, we're accused of always working together. On the other, we're accused of infighting and poor teamwork cohesion when we're otherwise just debating with each other.
It's as if they wanted to squish the two narratives together to make things easier on themselves, like how Alena's been doing within this topic.
Ed and Sugar used to mock the sh*t out of you for your codependency. And even now, the two of you still run around winging each other.
I can't help that we happen to both see you for what you are. Other than over your buffoonery, where have we otherwise been teaming up, to laugh at Kestrel's idea of history, a situation where Inquirer wingmanned us as well?
If anything, I've been seeing Inq and Beef cooperating more lately than you two do. It must be nice for him to have someone who can actually keep up with him for once instead of just an easy listener who blows her top when things don't go her way, followed by insisting that he clean up your messes.
I can see why he's drifting away from you, and frankly I don't understand how he's had this much patience with you. Even at this point it's just you delusionally supporting a relationship that isn't being backed by the other person anymore at all, and hasn't for months.
It's laughably hypocritical to suggest I’m the one who can't stand on my own feet while you have been hiding and taking shots undercover for so long.
So you admit you can't stand on your own two feet, and much like Trump are stuck with redirecting the focus instead of addressing the problem?
She may have "Ackshully" subject matter that otherwise shows themes based on how she understands situations, but at the very least she's willing to express an otherwise unpopular opinion, doesn't attempt to wrestle website power to control the politics when things don't go her way, and can say these things without needing a bandwagon of support to feel comfortable doing it.
I understand that me even mentioning your name in chat to TC (twice) triggered you into a breakdown. lol
Who told you that?
You aren't the most discerning for sources, this is probably from Sugar or some nonsense.
And, as for this narrative you're spinning that Inq constantly defends me
I'd personally say he does it when he can't help himself, then he quickly regrets it and tries to decrease the visible involvement you and him have from how much you lessen his position... while you cling onto him for dear life as he conceptually flees. It's otherwise obvious that you rile him against his better judgement at points, and that he's been reduced to going against people he already has an animosity with, like Legga, rather than his former confidence where he'd argue with others instead, otherwise tiptoeing from knowing your history is a messy one that'll give him more work than he's otherwise comfortable with.
You start drama from not being able to help yourself and then expect him to clean it up, it's sad.
, it seems this perception of yours is coming from your own insecurities and a twisted need to control people.
I've see it too though, Legga's seen it first-hand, who are you kidding here there's literally post history that made for conversion.
You’ve obviously been keeping an eye on this for quite some time. It's rather telling that the Alice example you provided is from years ago. Obsessed much? Or do you have anything more recent? (Weird. ~ )
You still reference Edgecomm like it's relevant from it being the only thing you think you really have. You clearly saw it like it was some sort of glorious unloading that'd show everyone "what's really going on", when all it really did was make you look that much old-news petty, an M.O. you've otherwise kept up for years from always being the equivalent last year's newspaper.
Do you figure she sees you as smarter than she used to? How she's passively snarked about you since the you vs Legga debate shows... something lower than a high opinion of you, maybe even lower than a neutral one depending on where her baseline for neutrality sits.
The truth is, Inq rarely defends me and I don’t expect him to
You literally tried to get others to ask him about it when he doesn't otherwise want to get involved with your shenanigans anymore out of sheer embarrassment, so instead you tried to use it as a dead end so that people will leave you alone while you carry a semblance of having had the last word. It's transparent and sad, like much of your escalations.
Maybe I will ask him questions, since you seem to be giving me permission to. I'd been mostly keeping your name hush-hush around him for his benefit so that he can actually have some fun instead of slog through the quicksand you leave behind you, but if you're opening the floor for him in his stead I can always let him know that you sent me.
but when some random refers to me as Inq's whore, it's not unreasonable that he clarify.
You're not his whore, you're his cheerleader. You two's relations are purely about shallow backpats and supply in the wake of superior information.
At least he eventually sees his error after enough discussion when a rival figure is otherwise missing from the discussion, you meanwhile are entirely unadaptive with old news like half the forum's age that you spout like it's relevant.
I rarely post much anymore but you can look through the threads where your boyfriend and I have sparred and I don’t believe you'll find Inq winging anywhere. Even in the supposed "20 pages" I posted in the Legga debate thread, I don’t believe Inq commented on any of my posts.
Well yeah your arguments were fucking sad.
He was smart to ignore you there, Legga'd have eaten him up if he as much as nodded to any of your idiocy. I'd hate to be in his position, but all it'd take is him making one public declaration to be free of you.
Considering this OP was a smear involving Inq, it’s also hardly unreasonable or unexpected for him to respond. At this point, the only reason for him not to respond to anything related to me is because it makes you and TC’s collective head explode and you create drama, which neither he or I like. That’s a quite manipulative strategy.
I dunno, his use of language wasn't his usual stoic detachment that he otherwise brings into discussion, but rather one of emotional language in relation to how he keeps railing on you.
Judging by how he only has the one reply in here, it's in my opinion that it was more about Legga than it was about you, but that doesn't mean that it being about you otherwise isn't a factor and that it didn't otherwise get some tone out of him where it doesn't belong.
(Also noted you still refuse to explain the supposed horrible harassment from someone on SC having your dox - the dox that literally no one ever saw. It if was so horrible it's odd you're over it. What changed? It truthfully seems like just a cover for humiliation. Honestly, you should own it already.)
i can explain on crow's behalf. basically she is refusing to respond to any mention of it here because she knows that me or any other relevant party will correct her. instead she will slink into god knows how many different dudes DMs crying about what 'happened', so no one can challenge her on the lies and sympathy she has begged for. the thing is, it isn't even believable that i woulda doxxed her cos she did what i told her to do, which was apologize. woulda been more believable if they had claimed i doxxed tc, but then crow wouldnt have been able to get all the supply and attention.
this is kind of insane. i think you just dont get along with brats
It's pure stupidity. I'm now out.
Just because it's too complex for you to grasp doesn't mean it must be stupid, this is just compensatory projection.
Oh Alena, so impartial. Even when you accuse both sides of being "the same" you take a side.
Yes, i said inq and legga both used emotional language. TC you're coming off super salty.