Because you people are always painting yourselves into the same logic traps and thinking that religion, racism and guns will fix the mess you made the last time you tried to solve your problems that way.
See, enough of our population fits this demographic for you to conflate us all under the stereotype.
It's worth being concerned about, not ignoring.
No it's not.
That "because" followed my agreement with you stating that I'm lazy. I'm talking about the constant talk. That's all it is.
You TALK (type) yourself into your logic traps and believe that... blah dee blah.
And I get sick of the same talk that never goes anywhere. So I tune out at certain words.
Like American Civil War.
Hint: Keyboard wars are not real wars.
I was 13 years old the first time I understood American cowboy threat rhetoric for what it was.
But that was during the Cold War. Do you even remember when the Russians were not our friends?
That was a scary time. Canada was stuck between you people and enough nukes to obliterate half of our solar system.
But the Russians are our friends, now.
There is shit fuck all you people can say about going to war with yourselves or with anybody.
Because of the Doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction.
You won't do it because armed rednecks parading up Pennsylvania Ave with their guns cocked ain't gonna happen bc they know the military will open fire on them.
I can't believe you thought my refusal to waste my time typing all of that amounted to a lack of an argument.
No, the argument should have been so fucking obvious I don't have to tell you.
If Wile E Coyote (that's an analogy about your Trumptard militias in case your analogous reasoning is failing again) stands on the "X" he gets an anvil dropped on his head.
If a crazy person with a gun opens fire on a political building full of people, the police and/or military will gun him down.
The same rule applies to a force of dozens or hundreds of armed crazies.
Your military can shoot them down with drones, now. They don't even have to worry about risking police lives anymore.