Not only will Biden repeal Trump's tax cuts, he will implement higher taxes, ( for everyone considering how he'd undo Trump's tax plan ).
I'm sure you're aware of why Biden's raising taxes, yes? It might not be the best plans, but it beats Trump's "it doesn't exist" plan.
It's super expected for left vs right to amount to taxes vs benefits. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself if the money in your pocket or the environment and social services is more important to you.
Under Biden, If you make 400k or more a year, You'll be slashed by more than half of what you've made. Better to make less if you can't make 800k or more a year.
How doesn't it make more sense to more heavily tax the rich?
Will Trump win ? Easily. It'll be an even greater landslide victory
Hard to say it was a 'landslide victory' when he won the electoral college but lost the popular vote initially, and with this year's setup it's looking a bit rockier.
I still think Trump's going to win, but "landslide"s a bit nutcase to call it.
, and the ones left in shock will be the ones who paid mind to the lies they were fed by mainstream media.
This sounds like you patting yourself on the back for life handing out karmic vengeance. It's just raw propaganda, this bullet point, when both parties followers are more split into sub-demographics than ever.
You can't really sit there and be like "The Left/Right will surely [action] over this" when they aren't really assembled together beyond a willingness to vote in the same things. To lump them like this opens up the room for me to start calling you "Nazi Adjacent" if we 'an eye for an eye' this for example, it does no one any good.
- DNC cheated Sanders again, and gave you Biden
It's funny, there's Leftists at this point assuming it was from Right wing efforts that made for Biden being the Left wing candidate to oppose Trump in the first place.
A lot of the left is not Biden-friendly, but the notion of "Anyone But Trump" seems to be catching on again. Even so I still expect Trump to win, and having Biden be the opposition's a bit insane.
- People aren't impressed with the riots in Democrat run states, which turning into shitholes ( Don't move there )
Are they impressed with the riots in Republican run ones?
From what I've seen, if you look past the news and see people who recorded the riots from within them? They aren't as crazy as the news wants it to appear, it's mostly a few specific interests trying to spark responses from crowds to further other down-the-line agendas of both sides with a lot of confused people just venting their feelings within a chaotic environment.
Yeah riots are being provoked, but most of the rioters aren't really doing much. It's more like an assembly with cops overreacting.
- People don't want tax hikes
They want what the taxes promise them without having to pay them, and where they draw the line tends to separate people into parties.
- Biden is less popular than Hillary. ( Hillary is also unpopular )
It's a mixed bag, considering his history with Obama.
- Russian Collusion. Was a hoax.
It's pretty damn obvious Trump owes money to the Russians, and even his 60 minutes interviews show how clearly pushed and afraid of China he is. You can follow his money pre-presidency, alongside his administration as of becoming president, to see clear connections with Russian interests.
Trump was told he'd lose the 2016 if he didn't play ball with the Russians, it's obvious that they did a power play towards him to ensure his loyalty'd stick by scaring him towards the end of polling as seen by Trump insisting that the elections were rigged *right before he won*.
He's also multiple times wanted to divulge presidential secrets, and has let a surprising amount slip out. One can only wonder how much of that's slipped out when talking to world leaders he's called "strong" for decades now.
- Every negative report of Trump hasn't aged well.
Every negative report? This claim seems a bit too bold to be real, especially when I can already think of a few that are still aging pretty well.
Once he's out of the presidential seat, once he's old news, a lot of crazy shit's going to come out of the woodworks and onto paperback books.
- Biden's long list of policies are widely plagiarized from Trump's policies ( Never in history did the Democrats offer such things. They are notorious for unfulfilled promises though.
Which things?
- DNC is now calling Hunter Biden's revelations "The Work of Russian bots". The truth in this matter is Biden is guilty of what they tried to impeach Trump over. Of course some of you don't know this cause the news never told you about it last year, while us conspiracy nuts are ahead and doesn't find any of this new.
You can't just sit there and talk like all the conspiracy nuts are on the same page. Rarely have I seen infighting happen as much as I have with numerologists, religious nutjobs, alien theorists and flat earther types alike. Most conspiracy nuts just adapt their theories against what's just occurred without noticing themselves doing it, which is why you'll seldom see one admit to being wrong, because their goalposts just changed without noticing.
If this is to get anywhere it'd help if you labeled *which* conspiracy theorists you're saying "saw this coming".
Some people don't know or recall any of this, nor do they care. They will comply with their programmers.
Some will be enraged with the results, some will be left scratching their heads, some will have tantrums and live in a bubble of ignorant resentment while entitled to the greater blessings Trump provides their nation.
Best thing to come from him's a $1200 check.