this isn’t a pissing contest. I’m sorry you’ve been through those things man. I had no idea we could relate so much but I’m so relieved I found someone who does.
just like you do not have sympathy for me I don’t for myself. I’m not here to have a pity party. I’m here to try to remember my life.
Theres something wrong with my memory. So I’m just trying to put all the pieces back together and make sense of it. It’s very broken and disjointed and what I can remember all at once is never the full picture.
so that’s why I write down detailed accounts of what I do remember at the time so later I can re-jog it if needed.
the more you guys talk the more I remember. It helps trigger forward the memory.
as far as what happened when I was homeless I worked my ass off similar to you, to get a full scholarship to school. It wasn’t easy and on top of that was dealing with other issues and working in serving.
This was after a while of being on the streets first. I went through some fucked shit and then started living my dealers trap house and they set me up with the serving position so I could pay them to live literally on their floor. It wasn’t a safe or clean environment to say the least.
I just knew I wanted to get out of there so that’s when I took my last 200 dollars to apply for college. This was after taking courses inline to make sure I would qualify for the scholarship.
thag was the last money I had. It was very much a rock bottom moment for me. I lived off of stolen wine coolers and oranges my friend gave me. things like that.
anyway then I went to live in the arrangements made for scholarship students. I worked my butt off to stay in that GPA. But I was psychologically breaking down from white knuckling so long.
And the effects of ptsd started hitting me like a brick wall.
The story keeps going but, basically there was a lot of drama with my family and it wasn’t fun
and this lasted three years with the constant threat of homelessness chasing me under my feet.
I came home trying to alleviate that distress and inner turmoil from my family disowning me and it just made everything much worse.
they wound up keeping me locked in a room for a month or two because we were fighting about shit and they didn’t like it. They didn’t agree with anything I was doing or anything I said they just wanted me to get it through my head that they owned me.
and after about yeah 1-two months I think it was? I eventually snapped after my dad said “we keeping you here one year you work for me now you do as I say or else and you’re not leaving this room or else.”
there were known implications filling in the or else statements like turning me over to police to find me and pinning drugs on me so I’d go to jail and have a record that carried me for life, to threatened beatings and other punishments along those lines of hard work and torture.
My windows were bullet proof glass so I couldn’t get out and I mean, it was hell. Everything that went on during this period.
I would have panic attacks and vomit and they took me to the hospital and gave me anti-anxiety meds saying she had a panic attack she doesn’t have heart problems.
and I started taking those without them knowing. To sedate myself. You can see where that’s going.
but yeah at one point I snapped when my dad said he’d keep me there essentially forever and I just tried to get out anyway I could
I think I thought they were gonna let me go back to my school and everything would be fine I just didn’t know like things were going to get worse instead of better. But when I realized it’s not getting better like I just had it.
I just couldn’t take it anymore.
so at first I ran for the door and started screaming outside and then my dad put his hand over my mouth and grabbed me from behind and threw me back inside
He went in the other room after yelling at me for a while and I immediately started looking for the keys as quietly as I could
and then I went up to my mom in the other room and got in her face and quietly whispered “give me the keys or I’ll kill you”
lmfao I has truly snapped in this moment but try being held against your will and beaten constantly and see how you act like a psychotic animal.
and she pointed to a shelf behind me and then I ran over and looked through a bag and still didn’t find them but I took the bag with me and ran outside because I could hear my dad coming
and I ran to the car and dumped the bag out searching through everything on the ground for these damn keys
and he was coming toward me at this point and I’m like no no no no
and then he grabbed me and picked me up and threw me into the car and started kicking me.
and he said if you don’t come inside by the time I count down to zero when I get to zero I’m gonna beat your ass you’re gonna he real sorry
and he started counting and I was screaming at him like WHERE ARE THE KEYS JUST GIVE ME THE KEYS I KNOW YOU HAVE THEM WHERE ARE THEY
and he just kept counting and then I looked at his pockets and realized they’re probably in there what have I got to lose so
I stuck my hand down his pocket really fast and fished out the keys and then ran as fast as I could to the car got in and threw that shit in reverse
and then I “slept” in a hotel parking lot that night.
I can’t remember what happened after this point
Drawing a blank.