Lastly there were other signs of, issues, in me as a kid like. That were bizarre.
If collecting spiders in a box for hours, for days, isn’t, weird enough.
My teachers, reported things being wrong with me. Like at recess i just went out to the center of the playground and stood there. And didn’t play, didn’t talk. Just stared. For the full, 30 40 minutes.
Another teacher reported that i would sit oddly with my knees to my chest and refused to sit any other way in the class room seats. and had bruises and cuts on my arms and knees, my thighs. I was just a little kid.
I found a photo, after going through hundreds of photos, of me sitting like this. I looked like a scared dog. But, a child. The way i was sitting. I can see why a teacher would find it concerning, if you did that everyday in class, and refused to sit any other way when told to put my legs down but then got upset and refused.
I remember wanting to sit that way because it was a comfort for me to be in that position. I was, anxious. Uncomfortable. Scared.
Both of them said these were signs of abuse and to call CPS. But, first thing they did was talk to the parents, and they just got mad about it every time.
I remember wanting to say something but i didnt because, i had go home with these people ya know. The repercussions would be immense if i said something. My mom said that i did those things to my self, or fell down the stairs. We didn’t have stairs.
The other thing is, there was this just, understanding that, kids don’t have rights. I just, thought that’s how it was. Kids do, what their parents say, no matter what. And, kids, deserve consequences cuz they’re kids and have to learn lessons. They have to be beat. And if their parents are angry at them, that’s their fault and they deserve whatever happened to them. I didn’t understand that if someone hurts you, that isn’t allowed. I knew, when you were an adult you got a different level of respect. Boundaries.
But when your a kid you don’t have those, especially with your own parents. Because only adults know whats best.
That is a huge red flag for, all kinds of abuse. The fact that I even thought th was normalized like, I thought it was that way around the world for all kids. I didn’t know any better. I really thought, you get a bad grade, you get fucked up sometimes, and that’s just what parents do. When theyr’e angry yeah... I also thought it was normal to want to murder your parents, evade them and become independent of them and become a teenager and thats why everyone wanted to grow up so bad and pretend to be adults like in fire fighter outfits and stuff. Cuz that was the reason i wanted to grow up and have my own house one day. It was just so i could be left a lone, and out of harms way, away from them, and the chaos, and disarray. I thought when i have a house one day, it’ll be so clean...
I developed a sort of OCD around this issue but, I’m okay I’m not full tilt OCD but, this is probably part of why I sort of value, having a nice, space. To be in, thats comfortable. Disarray and dirtiness causes me actual psychological and physiological distress lol. Not even joking.
But yeah um, so anyways. Yeah I thought, all kids wanted their parents dead. And when I met with a therapist who was concerned, a school counselor who met with me like, called me in. I was like, don’t all parents ya know, give their kids a shove or a beating every now and then, a slap in the face? C’mon, that’s normal right? And then we started talking about the extent, the detail of what they did. And my therapists face changed, as she asked questions and we went through the detailed scenarios of what would happen to me ya know. And it got more and more serious, her face did. And then, by the end of me walking her through just an average scenario of a day in my life, a normal day, she was practically in tears. I didn’t, understand, but, she told me that none of this was normal or okay... and i was like yeah, but.. ya know. It is what it is. “2 years and I’ll be out anyway.” I said. “I’ve endured it this long, what’s two more years. Damage is already done it’s too late. What good will sending them to jail do for me. That’ll just end me up without a college fund. What’s the point.” I remember saying that to her.
I even begged her not to call DCF, I told her if she does, my dad will literally kill me. “You know what will happen to me if they know they find out about this.” And so she didn’t call at first. And then i thought about it for a while, and then came to see her one day, after a really bad week, of severe beatings. And this time it, made me upset ya know because i knew this was wrong, the way he was treating me, and talkign to me. And beacuse of that like, emotion I felt on it. Or whatever, it made me go, talk to her and say, “yeah you can make the call, go ahead.” And she said, “it’s my job to do this, i was going to make the call anyways, I have to. It’s my job I can get fired if I don’t, call. If something happens to you, that is my fault now.” And I said, “well, thanks anyway.” And she picked up the phone and started dialing.
I’ve explained on previous posts what happened when they found papers from the counselors office, and i learned to stop bringing them home. To delete all evidence of, my existence, to erase all tracks, to make sure my devices weren’t, touched, or bugged, or being tracked. I even would take off my jacket and backpack before i went places because i knew they were monitoring me somehow. When i was out, with friends.
At the time I was smoking a lot of weed, i fell into it kinda young and, it was normalized to me from an early age as a habitual drug for people, many kids did it often and, so did i. I was left alone so much it wasn’t too hard to just get high in my room, i quickly switched to pills after i got tired of trying to hide the smell. It was just how I coped with everything.
There were a few times they found me though, where i wasn’t supposed to be, and i learned my lessons, about how to really evade, being located, and such things.
Eventually I reached a point of apathy though, after the DCF came and went and I got my ass whooped for that and, they blamed everything on me and, then they packed up their shit and left- my hope went with it. For my life to change to something better, because of some, divine intervention. After that I know ya know, you’re on your own. It’s up to you bud, no ones coming to save your ass. Ur doing it for urself.
So ya know. I just managed how I could, but i also sort of had a drug problem developing on the side which, at the time i didnt’ consider a problem. I didn’t know how addictive these pills were that i was taking. I just wanted to be high all the time, for long periods of time, and i didn’t see a problem with it. I didn’t know the dangers of it. I didn’t know anything about it. I wasn’t even trying to get that fucked up all the time it was just to function and live and feel normal, take the edge off, handle shit, whatever. Cope. Sometimes i did get fucked up but that was, on occasion.
I was just depressed ya know. So I got tied in with a junkie crowd of kids because of my own habits, and it was like, kind of fun. We went on adventures to the beaches in the summer and just stayed out all the time because none of us wanted to go home. We were, rejects. Weirdos. Freaks. But we had a certain love for each other. A bond.
And it was, these people who introduced me, to heroin. When i was 18, the summer i graduated. It was this group of friends who, one of these, guys ended up becoming a boyfriend, who took me away from there.
At the time i just saw it as my only way out. I didn’t have shit. I didn’t have much, just some crazy parents and, jack shit all. So i took off with him the first chance i got to get the hell out of there, that’d been my plan all along, turn 18 and bolt. And that I did. And, then he ended up beating the shit out of me and trying to kill me.
That relationship really did a number on me, i won’t lie. It was, um. Really scary. I’ve talked about it a bit on here already so, I’ll spare the details and the stories but its just numerous accounts of, ya know like, the typical scenario of an abusive relationship with a raging, controlling psychotic unstable psychopath. Who i was reliant on.
Not smart of me. I still blame myself like, how could i of been so stupid to trust, someone like that with such dangerous shit but like, i dunno. I’ll never be that loose around the edges again with like, who i trust, because of him, and what he did to me.
So that was quite a fucking adventure to say the least. And then to top it off, i come home. He fucking black mails me, so that my parents disown me just like he wanted. And i was homeless. Woo-die fucking doo.
And then i was lke aight, i went down the fucking tubes for a bit i got fucked up beyond belief like, i have patchy memory of this time but it was not good what i was up to during this time i was super fucked up like emotionally