My dream last night was so disturbing I can’t talk about it because I’m actually afraid lmao
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5/13/2020 8:28:21 AM
A few nights ago I dreamed that I was on campus at school, although it didn't look like my campus, and I was in a sorority with Brad Mondo except he was only wearing like 4 chains instead of 6, but then we got in a fight and then some corporation tried to cut down a big tree so a bunch of people protested. What does this mean?
You’re grappling with the thoughts and feelings you’re witnessing shared by your generation? I have no idea :P
Brad Mondo and the protests represent your peers, and you’re like feeling unrest which is why you argued and why they were unhappy and protesting
you’re like feeling unrest
This is the fucking end of the world. I have never felt this much stress in my life.