Do you really think Donald would have no haters beyond envy if it wasn't for leftist media?
The guy has a paper trail decades long, and the mistakes he's making are notable. Pre-presidency the guy was a leftist, too, with Clinton friends to boot, so it's not like he's been "The Left"s enemy as some sort of long-established vendetta.
Trump played the game. He gave money to the Clintons yes, and he would do it for the sake of gaining favor. He did bring that up in the Republican debate, how he was a businessman and had to get along with everyone and he said he was good at it.
Trump was highest paid TV personality. Rappers would rap about Donald Trump. He was the American dream. The Gold man, or the money man, The Donald, whatever people would call him.
In 2015 when Trump said he would run for president. There came a "sudden hatred". You never noticed that though cause you've been programmed, just like they have been teaching their viewers to hate Trump, every single day.
Oh yes, I remember election night. Trump won like I said he would, and that wasn't a guess you know, I brought the real data for months, no one listened lol. You were so shocked that night, I remember your words. "Wow. He actually won" While I stayed humble that night.
You hate Trump, because you were told to hate him. In the past 2 weeks I've seen Trump take the blame for shortage of respiratory machines in NY while a reported 7,000 machines were not being used at the time, to Trump coming down on 3M on how they distribute their masks. As your leader, the man has done right by you.
In the grand scheme of things, The US should have first dibs on the N95 mask, because they are in much greater need of it than we who are fewer. Canada has less than 40 million people. I live in the most populated city in Canada and it happens to be the 5th largest city in North America, and I swear people here don't seem to give a damn about making any attempt to cover their faces. They can bring the masks to our small population and I assure you many of them won't even be used.
As for the US, people are really scared over there as they are now the highest reported case of COVID-19 in the world.
Honestly, I can't be mad at Trump for attempting to swindle 3M into cancelling their pre-orders to Quebec and send the masks home instead.