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I want to die thread

blanc stated: source post

The loneliness of having no family is one that is so painful even the slightest reminder burns.  Your cheeks become hot from the feeling, you start to sweat, and your throat is clasped shut from the ache. 

Pain and detachment have become so familiar that I have taken a sick liking for it. It is the only thing I have left that can fill the emptiness. 

Tell me why I should suffer. It is because in life and death there is no justice. And even though I didn't deserve it, all of it still happened. And even though I worked my hardest to overcome, the task is easier said than done. You think it would be something you could just put out of your mind, but it eats you alive. It has you from every angle. It grows roots in the deepest most secret crevices of your mind. You are never safe. They say you're not alone, but you are. And the voice that says you can't do this used to whisper but now it screams. Inside you there is someone scratching at your ribs- pulling at your seems. You are a tea kettle billowing with steam. You are sick of blank stares, and holding back your tears like a rock in a sling shot. You're sick of waking up. You're sick of trying. 

Sorry for posting this but I need to acknowledge that this is how I feel. Regardless of how stupid it is. Also after posting this I go back to being numb, the pain that I talked about in the beginning went away. Which I say is a good thing. Even though numb isn't much better. 



Blanc why are you trolling me on your alt account evermoral?

Posts: 84
I want to die thread


Posts: 1564
I want to die thread

blanc stated: source post

I don't know 

Hmmm...well...several possibilities based on your story....may want to look at that....and how your anger manifests and the direction of it..

However....based on the fact that previous fuckwads made a habit of posting retarded bullshit....often really well written (such as your own).....quite is a complete waste of my time....

@ Virus

Hang only with bitches who make you better... period...

....interesting choice of words and order....

Posts: 563
I want to die thread

having a rough-ish week... yup... 

Posts: 563
I want to die thread

it looks like when you let your guard down, it gets dangerous

Posts: 1564
I want to die thread

..depends whom...the most apparently empathic and understanding..may also be  the first to fuck you

The Game of Trust and a vicious game....

Would you not find it interesting that at the core of most PDs , is the same issue..?

Posts: 1564
I want to die thread

blanc stated: source post

I don't know 

1. Your father?

2. By standers who did not know ? Or couldn't be bothered?

3. Yourself, for trying, but failing?


...think about it...any of those seem reasonable?

Posts: 563
I want to die thread

yes because trust is just a facade, a human ideal that is unfulfillable and just as much a fantasy as all the rest. 

Posts: 1564
I want to die thread

No. It isn't. 

If are speaking about yourself first and for the's a risk.

No risk = No reward

Therefore, Choose carefully your confidantes

Posts: 563
I want to die thread

I'm not angry, leave me the fuck alone 


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