Neurosis is not new. It is someone who admitted to being forced to use a puppet in her attacks on me because I have some info on her. She repeatedly asked me if I keep folders on people's info, and kept insisting that I can somehow do a trick to see original pictures others posted.(?)
Next time you defend someone on the pretense that they are newbies, make sure that they are.
Edit: Actually it was primal that did it first, she dismissed another person on this thread based on post count.
I am talking about Neurosis commenting on Primal's suspicious high number of posts in chat days ago, while I was there.
Primal stated: source post
You have a point Alena....but in this is weak. The nonstop gas attack of bullshit on SC is unique to SC in several regards and multiple permutations on several themes of the fked
Generally...I can barely be arsed to give a crap...but when I bother to...rather keep the bullshit to a minimum and discuss facts and reality....leave the philosophical bulltshit and role play to others....for whatever the fuck a person gets out of
I feel like you don't want to consider someone else opinion because it doesn't align with yours and instead of arguing that all you've done is say that they arent worth arguing/debating with because of post count. Its a bit elitist.
If someone with a small post count has knowledge that betrays they are an old user, then yeah that small post count shows they are a puppet. The opinion of a wing puppet might very well be the opinion of the main member who wants to wing themself. So dismissing puppet opinions and talking only with real people is the logical thing to do.
Doesn't bother me in the least. Due to the gaslighting and makes sense to continue as is...
Speaking of seeds...pedos can be blackmailed ...and some are worth quite a bit...should consider that use of your innate obsession for delving into backgrounds etc etc ....there is a treasure trove just waiting to be exploited with this shitwit,...
Kill 2 birds with one stone. Was his idea to start ...I would like to give credit where credit is due...
They're both, in the end, a tree.
One you cared for and raised from a seed to a sapling to a tree, and the other you bought already mature. That mature tree still had to be taken care by someone from a seed to a sapling to a tree. The difference is only that you had a personal bond with seed. But I'm sure the person that raised the tree you bought had the same. They should have equal value.
ThenFuckit stated: source post
A seed is definitely more worth then a tree. Lol
Well goodluck finding a seed to make a table from.