Lololol If Neanderthals were more intelligent then why do they no longer exist?
Um... they do.They bred with homo sapiens and left their thick skull genes all through the contemporary populations of Eastern Europe.;)
Neanderthals don't exist just because remnants of them do. Eastern Europe has contributed some pretty, influential things to society man
Yes.I was citing a specific pet hypothesis that I enjoyed. There are many others.
You're just choc full of annoying little hypotheses aren't you
Um... they adapted.By breeding and blending with another species.Because Systematic is half white, does that mean his black half doesn't exist?
Why are you annoyed by them?I loved that stuff when I was in school.
Intelligence is not a social construct. Intelligent people are able to adapt to maximize survival and opportunity of the environment they're in. What we value and see as intelligence can be constructed socially.
Slim John stated: source postWhat we value and see as intelligence can be constructed socially.true
if that can be seen, does that mean it can be measured when being compared from person to person?