Ouu, good triggers. :D
Adrenaline, wit, and random acts of kindness.
Sticking up for someone weaker than myself being unfairly persecuted.
If someone insults my friends, I take it personally and will stand up for them. And will stay mad at them.
If someone is in an aisle, and I want to be in that aisle, I get really mad. it's awkward for us to be close to each other. So, I tell that person to kill themself and walk away.
Group therapy, back at the good old mental hospital was horrible. It triggered me into a bad mood. Dr. Bitch's smile made me want to stab her. If someone smiles at me, I get really pissed.
Slow people/unaware: How are people so unaware that they can't see me in their peripheral vision? I'm trying to get through, yet you're just standing there. And that little thing can get me into a bad mood all day.
Daniella stated: source post
Things that trigger me:
1. Small dicks
2. Broke niggas
3. Fake bitches
It's not worth it to me anymore. I don't have to care what he thinks of me now. I worked too hard on realising that not only were most of his perceptions of me a lie, but it also doesn't isn't going to kill me if he keeps believing them. It's a fucking hard lesson. One the ego is very resistant of. But the better I get at not letting others perceptions affect how I see myself, the better my quality of life is getting. That's like striking gold for me. It's the best feeling in the world to know you can live a dignified life with a healthy self esteem, after half a life being told that would never be possible for me. :)
ImNotHer stated: source post
I think I've shared this trigger on both older forums before, but it bears repeating because it's obviously still a problem for me, and I'm still working on it. My biggest trigger is being accused of things I haven't done. I'm getting better at not letting it get to me the way it used to, but work still needs to be done.
When I think about why it's such a huge trigger, the answer is very simple. It's always about my family and how you're always doing something wrong. I got my ass beat many times over nothing. Shit my father or mother would make up in their psychotic paranoid minds, and no matter what you said or did, you just couldn't escape it.
Because you were a bad kid always. You were a parasite that was sucking all life from them. Everything you did was seen as greedy, selfish, weak, or disgusting.
I wanted to believe so bad that my mind was too strong to be affected. That my parents didn't have so much influence and power over how their treatment made me see myself. I understand now that it's not a choice when you're a child. You can't raise yourself. With my children, I get a small glimpse at the truth about me when I was a kid, and it help me see how beautiful I was so that I don't have to look at who I am now the same way anymore. But I also have the choice as well. I have the power to choose who I am. I also have the power to say that other people no longer get to define me or derail my perception of self. And that is incredibly healing so I think it's an important trigger to keep working on.
Your posts always seem to have a way of making me pause in my tracks and contemplate. Perhaps your posts are a small trigger for me. Thx for being so honest all the time, ya biatch. ;)
Alterego stated: source post
Ouu, good triggers. :D
Adrenaline, wit, and random acts of kindness.
Sticking up for someone weaker than myself being unfairly persecuted.
Yeah, this! ^ Esp. the last one. :D