What i see is underestimating problems because of fears and ignorance.
No, the humanitarian thing to do is only based on emotions. No country ever does anything just because its the right thing to do for another country. If you do that, you will get fucked, because you will be seen as exploitable(because you are). Exploited on your good intentions.
Refugees had their chance to abide. Now its time to move to the next level, since they didn't took any of the many chances they had. It makes no sense to continue to tolerate things that cause more damage then good.
One thing they definitely must drop is their nationality, because now they live in another nation and if they are not willing to become a part of it, then they can't be allowed to live/stay, as they are cancer cells. And their culture and religion will always conflict the new nationality, and middle eastern culture is too backwards to be flexible enough to accommodate the changes.
Why not? He will do just that if he goes along his plan. I do not think America has a problem in this department. But if Trump was, say, in Germany, then he would do more good then damage to all of Europe. Focusing on his statements is retarded. I have watched him and he is a nationalist i think. He will say stupid things, contradicting things and things to manipulate the voters, to win. But one thing he is consistent in, is nationality. And if i was to be a president, i would lie and manipulate and do everything to win. Because the system is corrupt, people are stupid(in America anyway) and you can't win otherwise. He does what he has to.
I have been questioning him all the time. He is not as stupid as he seemed to me at first and while i do not know what he will do exactly, whatever he does, it will be good for America's nationality. Which is better then almost any politician who has had as much power/influence as Trump recently.
Also, he calls people on their politically correct bullshit(even tho he did it to win votes, he still did the right thing).