The Battle of Reiss is a battle fought between England and Scotland in 1812 in Reiss, Scotland.,_Scotland This thread is very stupid as no one is intelligent enough to point that out.
Um... yeah.
I've mentioned several times that Thursday is my bank day.
But people here are so busy 'not caring' that they start these absurd chat debates when I'm on my way out the door.
You don't think they might ... actually remember what I said last Thursday and a few Thursdays before that, and that other Thursday last month, and then the Thursday back in November, do you?
That they might be starting these debates on purpose? When they know I'm about to leave?
Nah. Couldn't be. They iz kindly socios ~
In case you didn't notice, I got here after 10:30 today.
I had other things to do. I usually have other things to do on Friday.
"you could just have gone the day After, you didn't have to go right that minute."
You are an entitled little fuck, aren't you?
You srsly think I should put my rl on hold to come and bicker with you idiots about some imaginary battle that Sugar made up?
No, literally no one thinks you're important enough that we would mark the Thursdays on our calenders with "Xena's Bank Day" and then go at you at 7pm on a Thursday night. That's crazy.
I mean on the other hand, you could just have gone the day After, you didn't have to go right that minute. Unless they close on Friday?
Quit playing dumb, Alena.
There are several Judas threads with you people boohooing about how I didn't defend your precious forum when you people doxxed luna on KFC
You've been pulling these retarded trolling threads out of your asses and whining about my every personality quirk ever since.
I mean, how many does this make? 8? 10 threads? in under 2 months, to try to troll Xena.
I brought up skype. But you brought up way more irrelevant bullshit.
Zeitgeist stated: source post
Yeah I remember it well. Tryp said some absurd thing when he was drunk. I found it funny and I repeated it in chat later.
6 forum members (the usual Ridiculous 6) then proceeded to make a crazy long ridiculous thread to try to convince me that it never happened. They all tried to tell me that Tryp didn't ever make the comment I found so amusing.
Toward the end of the thread, Tryp finally made his confession in chat.
- 3:20 Tryptamine3: Most of my posts were made when I was drunk, possibly blacked out.
Finally made a confession that I get drunk and forget things? Just because I'm notorious for blacking out does not mean I'm in any denial about it. Not here, and not offline:
I know myself fairly well. You were framing conversations in a way that made it seem as if I was holding personal information over others, which I know is not in line with how I behave. I forgot a joke I made a full-month prior—I don't even think it's abnormal to forget something like that? You took playful banter I made drunk and a month later used it maliciously, and tried to foster misunderstanding with it.
That backfired on you horribly, and I recommend you drop it. I was willing to let that die, but you seem to want to keep bringing it up.